Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Special Message To One Person...

To the idiot who posted this comment on my post with the picture of some classic Chicago bungalows:


1. Most of the people who read my blog regularly seemed to find it interesting. The Chicago bungalow is well-known in architecture circles, and, people with interest in art, culture, etc. consider it a classic-- a distinctive feature of Chicago.
2. I'd have taken your criticism of my post a lot more seriously if you yourself had a blog; I'm assuming that since you posted as "Anonymous," you don't. If I'm mistaken, please give me the URL of your fascinating blog so I can return the favor and leave a lame, mindless comment on yours.
3. If my blog and that post are so boring, why are you reading it?

Wait, I want to cater to my audience. Please, by all means, tell me what interests you-- Power Rangers? The Backstreet Boys? Your favorite coloring books? Let me know, and I'll post something that's at your level of interest and intellect.


Cup said...

Don't you hate those anonymous weenies? So, it didn't interest you — just move on. Didn't even have the nerve to leave a name. Putz. You go for him, Yen!

Tenacious S said...

Go, Johnny, go!

Splotchy said...

Mr. Yen, I think you owe your anonymous poster an apology.

You are apparently not up on your architecture history.

The Chicago bungalow was actually first developed by the German expatriate Hermann Booooooring.

Here's his entry on Wikipedia

Jess Wundrun said...

Are you sure Splotchy? I got redirected to this one

Anonymous said...

Boy, anonymous comments take a lotta guts! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Arty Farty Blog owner,

You can cater to me by not posting such boring photos and you do owe me an apology. It's not my fault that you are cranky nonagenarian from having to potty train your fellow coworkers, so don't get on my tits because it happens to be your time of the month or your forgot to take your wheat germ.

I've had to suffer your boooring blog with the boooring photos because I was routed here by and your blog comandeered my desktop and won't let go.

Rather than your boooring artsy fartsy photos why don't you shoot something of substance, like the American Girl store, the tinkertoy exhibit at Toys are Us or the Justin Timberlake billboard on the Dan Ryan Expressway.

For your information Mr. Smarty Pants,
Power rangers wasn't on,
I prefer Nsync, Celine Dion and Michael Bolton to Backstreet boys, I'm waiting for my New Hannah Montana coloring book to arrive in the mail.

If I wasn't so afraid of the West Nile Virus carrying Mosquitos outside, I'm come down there and slap you silly.

My blog is but is currently down for maintenance because your boring pictures put my server to sleep.

Try to get more sleep tonight

Love and Kisses,
The Anonymous Blogger

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

I think somebody's pushing your buttons, Johnny Yen.

BeckEye said...

Hey, wait a minute there. I like the Backstreet Boys. And coloring books are awesome. If that makes me an uncultured slob, please pass the Doritos.

Splotchy said...

Quick, everybody get on anonymous' tits!

anandamide said...

what would actually be kind of cool is to compile the worst (or most misguided/inappropriate) comments that everyone has encountered on their blogs.

might be kind of funny. turning lemons into lemonade and all that.....

The Elk said...

My word.....
Such Angst!

vikkitikkitavi said...

"and your blog comandeered my desktop and won't let go"

Dear Anonymous:

Try the "back" button.

Dale said...

Good idea Anandamide. I've had a few but unfortunately, the person does leave their name, I can't shake them!

GETkristiLOVE said...

Correction, it's anonymous' humor that is asleep.

Coaster Punchman said...

At least you're getting comments, Johnny Yen. Remember, there's no such thing as bad publicity.

I'll admit I got into an anonymous comment bitch fight once after I stumbled upon the blog of some neo-Nazi during my "View Next Blog" button-pressing days. I really shouldn't have engaged him; I mean, what's the point? But I did kind of have fun egging him on, while he and all his white supremacist friends kept screeching at me to reveal my identity. Yeah right, like I was going to risk having this guy showing up at my house.

bubbles said...

OMG, Johnny!!! It isn't me, I swear, it isn't me!!!