In the meantime, I registered for my fall class this week. Had an interesting experience at registration. Remember my mention of the people who have been giving my teacher from last semester a hard time? During registration, a woman kept giving the instructors handling registration a hard time because she didn't get a good (low) number in the registration lottery and wasn't going to be able to get a schedule that she wanted. She managed to talk her way into an amenable schedule-- and proceeded to blubber openly. My friend Martin pointed out that she was the person who had been in his class last semester who he'd finally started to avoid because she was whack. Then my friends Karen and Cyd then told me that she was the ringleader in giving my former teacher a hard time this semester. I had two thoughts-- first, that her bad lottery number was karma. And secondly, if she has a meltdown over getting a schedule that wasn't perfect, how is she going to handle a medical emergency? And where the hell is she going to work where she won't have to play nice with others?
In any event, I put down 25% down to hold my class slot yesterday and managed to make it to the bank this morning with the money I made last night at work before the payment hit my account. Sure will be nice not to be worrying about money constantly. Just a little over a year away.

2. Rock and Roll Music- The Beatles
3. Tomorrow Wendy- Concrete Blonde
4. The World Began In Eden and Ended In Los Angeles- Phil Ochs
5. Walking Slow- Jackson Browne
6. Heart Full of Soul- Chris Isaak
7. Hearts- Marty Balin
8. Across the River- Bruce Hornsby and the Range
9. The Goodbye Look- Donald Fagen
10. Goodnight- The Beatles
1. One of two groups that came out of the split of the English Beat (the other was Fine Young Cannibals)
2. If you're going to steal songs, steal from the best-- the Beatles covering a Chuck Berry song.
3. A haunting song from a group with no shortage of haunting songs.
4. From the monumental "Farewells and Fantasies" collection. You can hear the roots of Ochs' disillusionment and ultimate suicide in this song,
5. From the great "Late For The Sky" album.
6. Great smoky cover of the Yardbirds' classic.
7. A sweet weeper from Jefferson Airplane alumnus Marty Balin-- a hit in the early eighties.
8. I love this song, about a woman who tries to make her way out of her oppressive hometown, ends up back for a while, but is certain to try again.
9. From the terrific 1982 "Nightfly" album by Steely Dan alum Donald Fagen.
10. The closing track from the Beatles' album "The Beatles" aka "The White Album."