With "Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman," he's done it again. I'd wanted to read the book since I read the first reviews. This Christmas, my lovely wife got me a Kindle, and the first book I downloaded was this one.

I think many people, like I, thought that Tillman was a patriotic jock-- well-intentioned, but not intellectually complex. As Krakauer makes clear, this was farthest from the case. Tillman was a bright, curious, well-read man. In fact, from boot camp on, he began to have doubts about his mission-- particularly when he was diverted from Afghanistan right out of boot camp to go to Iraq.
Krakauer had, fortunately, access to Tillman's journal and many letters to his wife and friends. They reveal a guy went into the war with noble motives, but feared that the Bush administration, which he held in contempt, would use him for propaganda purposes. Tillman is revealed as a highly principled guy-- to a fault. He rejected an opportunity to leave the service and return to football, even after he'd become disenchanted with both wars.
Krakauer charts Tillman's intellectual development-- he began reading Noam Chomsky, and in fact was trying to arrange to meet Chomsky, who was friends with a college friend of his. He believed the war in Iraq to be not only unnecessary, but illegal and working counter to United States interests.
In the course of the story, Krakauer points to two incidents that occurred at the beginning of the Iraq war-- the stage-managed rescue of Private Jessica Lynch and a bad fratricide ("friendly fire") in Nasiriyah, the same town Lynch had been captured in, in which 17 US soldiers were killed. Tillman was peripherally involved in the rescue, but Krakauer points to the real significance: a Bush White House functionary named Jim Wilkinson, who'd been the brainchild behind a lot of the dirty tricks Bush' team had pulled (including their hatchet job on Republican primary opponent John McCain in 2000 and promoting the myth that Al Gore had claimed to have invented the internet). Wilkinson was, as Krakauer pointed out, Bush' primary "perception manager." He was stationed in the U.S. Central Command headquarters in Qatar, and was responsible for the false stories that Lynch, who had not fired a single shot (or had been shot for that matter-- her injuries were from when her vehicle ran into the vehicle in front of her in the convoy) had fought doggedly until she was captured. The story was propagated in order to hide the fact that the war was already off to a bad start-- that the US troops were not, as the Bush administration flunkies had claimed would happen, being welcomed as liberators.
In the end, it's also clear that the Lynch story was created to draw attention from the diasasterous incident at Nasiriyah.
Later, these same people would try to hide the facts behind Tillman's death, and use him as a poster boy for the two wars.
The coverup of the true circumstances began immediately upon his death, and without a doubt included Bush, Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld and other higher-ups. It also began unravelling immediately. Tillman's clothes and body armor-- and a notebook diary he'd been keeping in Iraq and Afghanistan-- were taken away and destroyed. The pathologists at the Dover forensics facility were so suspicious at the missing evidence that they refused to sign off on his autopsy.
Krakauer makes no bones about what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan-- that Afghanistan was always a sideshow for the Bush administration from the beginning-- that the invasion of Iraq was being planned even before 9/11. He also points out that the United States wasted valuable time and resources in Iraq and allowed the Taliban to regroup and gain while they got bogged down in a pointless war that had nothing to do with our national interests. He points out that Tillman questioned everything in his life, including his participation in both wars. Krakauer quotes Nazi Reichsmarshall Hermann Göring:
Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter Germany. That is understood. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether its a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship... Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to greater danger. It works the same way in any country.
When I and many others questioned the war in Iraq, we got shouted down as "unpatriotic." After reading "Where Men Win Glory," my guess is that Tillman, a guy given to reading things like Plato's "Republic" in his free time, would, were he still alive, be the first to point out that it's a patriot's duty to question his government and leaders. I highly recommend this book.
Great review JY, I look forward to reading this!
Brilliant review, Johnny! Excellent work. Makes me wonder if he was fragged on purpose . . .
Wow! I knew he died from friendly fire, but it seems that's not even half the story. Bush and Co should be ashamed for chewing up and spitting out all those young men and women for no good reason.
I love your book reviews. I don't read a lot of non-fiction, so it's good to see what's out there and check it out.
You know, I didn't think I could read this book without wanting to kill myself, but I may chance it if you think it's so good.
Maybe my patience is short because I'm currently reading "Fiasco," which is, by the way, very very good.
great review
i had heard that Tillman was in total contempt of the war and the way it was handled
sad part - most people will continue to believe the bush/cheney lies about the war and tillman - and the media, which should be all over this all the time - continues its enabling of bush/cheney
i dont know if i could read this book without doing the same thing vikki will do
I wanted this book for Christmas and didn't get it. Looks like I didn't drop enough hints to SV so I'll have to head on over to Amazon.
Highly recommended, and well-written as are all of Krakeur's books.
Thanks! The book makes it pretty clear that the cause was inadequete training-- sending young, scared kids in way too quickly.
I think that the Afghan war was a just one-- it was badly mishandled mostly because of the unnecessary war in Iraq.
Thanks! I'm the opposite-- I really should read more fiction.
That's funny-- I just picked Fiasco back up. I started reading it a while back and had to put it down-- my blood was boiling. I am trying to read Fiasco and Bob Woodward's "Plan of Attack" during my break.
The press' acquiesence in all of this is sickening, you're absolutely right.
Hey, maybe you should have an add-on blog-- "What Kristi Wants For Christmas!"
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