Every time I see him, I wonder about him. He's got to be nearly seventy. What did he do during the main part of his working life? Maybe someday I'll stop and chat him up.
My afternoon was less pleasant. Right as sixth period was about to start, an altercation erupted in the hallway right outside my room. It was started by Melvin. Melvin stands out in the school; he's about six foot six. With his height and the braids in his hair, he looks like a handsomer version of the alien in Predator. He's huge, but isn't intimidating. At least not to me.
He and I got off to a rough start. I used to look forward to the days he was out. He was surly, defiant and refused to work. Talking to a teacher who taught there last year, I found out that he has an IEP (teacher talk-- an Individualized Education Plan, for kids with learning disabilities). Some of the hallmarks of kids with learning disabilities are low frustration level, disengagement and shitty attitudes. I buckled down; I made some classroom accomodations, and began making a point to say hello to him whenever I saw him. At first, he ignored me. Then he began acknowledging my greeting with a grunt. Now, he says a friendly "Hello." He's still having trouble with other teachers, but he comes to my class and works hard and behaves.
In any event, something happened between he and Janetta, a super-annoying girl who, in addition to doing zero work in her classes, is always all over about a half dozen guys in the school all the time. I don't know how it started, but Melvin apparently said, at some point, that she was a slut. She took offense, mainly because, well, she apparently is. Mel was wrong to say it, but what she did was just as wrong-- she spent the next ten minutes screaming and, absurdly, threatening Melvin.
Our school is tiny-- eighty students-- to say it caused an uproar is an understatement. I tried to quietly get Melvin into my room-- he has class with me sixth period. Security tried to defuse it by escorting her out, but she 1) stood screaming out in front of the school, and 2) called 3 or 4 or her male "homeys" to kick Mel's ass. I couldn't believe that a girl as small as her could yell as loud as she could. The assistant principal had to call the police.
The rest of the afternoon was, of course, lost. The school was in an uproar, and none of us were able to teach. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. The other teachers and I were drained. The "homeys" showed up again as soon after the cops left, but were fortunately gone by the time we went home.
I did get some amusing moments on the way home, which I was unfortunately not quick enough to capture on camera. First was the lady waiting to turn left in front of me; I don't know how she was steering the car, because she was holding the cell phone she was talking into with one hand and her cigarette in the other. A few blocks down North Avenue, I looked over and the middle-aged crossing guard in front of Maternity B.V.M was singing and dancing. It put me in a better mood by the time I picked up my stepdaughter at afterschool.
Tomorrow, both kids will be suspended. Three weeks ago, finding out that Melvin would be suspended for three days would have drawn a sigh of relief. Now, I'm upset about it. Things change.
Girls are nasty. I will walk into a boyfight and start hauling kids out, but girls? No way. When girls fight you find weave and broken nails in the hall. They will crawl over you to get back into the fight.
Last year I had to get between a 6'4" boy and the 5'0" girl who was trying to kill him. I got them apart and thought the situation was under control, but as soon as I turned to try to find security, she was on top of him again screaming and swinging. Poor sweet Matt just stood there and took it, because he knew that the second he touched her he was going to get suspended.
Glad to hear it's not just me. One of these days it'll get easier.
I think that boys have a sense of limits-- they know that no matter how big or tough they think they are, there is someone out there bigger and tougher. Girls somehow are not getting that message.
We took the kids to Chicago State University so that they could get a taste of what college is like. The behavior was deplorable. But with the boys, it was merely adolescent behavior; with the girls, we almost had a mass girlfight. The principal has sworn no more field trips.
Our kids are usually pretty good on field trips, except of course for the time the two senior boys took water bottles full of rum on the bus and were shitfaced by the time we got to the Field Museum. A guard found one of them passed out in the Forbidden City exhibit and the other stumbling around the McDonalds. We are not allowed back to the Field for a long long time.
I take my kids to the theater every year and they are angels. We just went last week and they were much much better behaved than the little snotty Hinsdale kids who had thier feet up on the seats and were too cool to pay atttention. We spend a lot of time talking about proper behavior though, and I threaten them with a fate worse than death.
Grrr... Hinsdale kids. When my family finally settled in the suburbs, we were right across 294 from Hinsdale. They were huge rivals. My high school, Lyons Township, was largely drawn from more blue collar suburbs like Counryside and Lagrange. Hinsdale was the rich kids. I gave not a whit about high school football-- except my senior year (1979), when we whooped their asses for the first time in 20 years at THEIR OWN HOMECOMING!. I know it ruined every kid in that school's year.
Did you see my post about the crossing guard? I think it was the first thing I ever posted. Too funny.
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