Random Itunes Shuffle 10
1. Death or Glory- The Clash
2. Parachute Woman- Rolling Stones
3. Bloodletting- Concrete Blonde
4. Hootenanny- The Replacements
5. Martha Say- John Mellencamp
6. Dancing in the Moonlight- Thin Lizzy
7. You Wear it Well- Rod Stewart
8. Teenage Jail- The Eagles
9. Middle Class- The Uptown Rulers
10. Black Jesus- Everlast
I think the ipod shuffle has becomes this decade's magic 8 ball.
I'm going to have to quote you on that one, Palette.
My son became fascinated with his magic eightball, particulary its predictions whether the Cubs would win a World Series. Ironically, the eightball kept predicting they would not. Guess he should have paid attention.
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