A week ago, a cyclone caused a surge of water to flood the lowlands. The death estimates, including disease, are reaching 100,000. The military government has not only done little to nothing, but they've actually kept international aid from reaching the stricken people. I was reminded of the 1972 earthquake in Nicaragua.

Somoza had inherited the dictatorship from his father, Antonio Somoza Garcia* after a young poet, Rigoberto López Pérez, assasinated the elder Somoza in 1956. While Nicaragua had economic growth on paper as a result of industrialization, the vast majority of Nicaragua lived in squalor. Nicaragua was at the bottom of every quality of life index in the book. Literacy was almost non-existent; disease and murder rates were high, as was poverty. Somoza ran Nicaragua as a virtual fiefdom. He owned most of the industry and agriculture.

The longterm consequences for Somoza were dire. The Nicaraguan people were outraged. The FSLN, or "Sandinistas" had been running a campaign of guerilla resistance since Tomas Borge and Carlos Fonseca had started it in 1961. The campaign had been largely futile-- until the earthquake. The outrage over the lack of response to the earthquake enraged and emboldened thousands of young people, who took to the mountains and joined the Sandinistas. In July of 1979, the Sandinistas took power in Nicaragua. The final rebellion was sparked by the murder of Pedro Joaquín Chamorro, a respected editor of La Prensa, Nicaragua's most popular newspaper. When Nicarguan soldiers murdered Bill Stewart, an ABC reporter, an event that was videotaped and shown on US television, even the United States had to pull its support for Somoza.
In many ways, the Burmese junta is like Somoza-- corrupt, arrogant and out of touch. Two years ago, video of the lavish wedding of Thander Shwe, daughter of junta leader General Than Shwe, caused outrage in impoverished Burma. The bride was decked in millions of dollars worth of diamonds.
There were widespread protests last year in Myanmar, led by Buddhist monks. Those protests were brutally suppressed. This time, though, the outrage is even more widespread, the anger palpable. Like Nicaragua's people, millions feel they have nothing to lose and everything to gain against the junta.
Brutal corrupt dictators are not known for being savvy to history, so Shwe and the others may want to be hep to Somoza's eventual fate. He was flown out of Nicaragua just before the Sandinista victory. A little over a year after the revolution, Enrique Gorriarán Merlo, an Argentinian guerilla, shot Tacho's car with a bazooka in Asuncion, Paraguay, blowing the former dictator to bits. Even after they leave, thugs are not safe. History has a way of catching up to them.
*It is supposedly the elder Somoza who FDR declared his famous statement "He may be a son-of-a-bitch, but he's our son-of-a-bitch.
great post johnny == and a great comparison
i completely forgot about Somoza and the earthquake -- all i remembered was the plane crash that killed Clemente.
we invaded Iraq for no reason -- and i am not advocating in any way an invasion of Myanmar -- but wouldnt it seem this was a reason -- they are brutally repressing the people and now letting them die in the misery of the cyclone. but bush and the administration just use a lot of hollow words.
we pick and choose our enemies based on economics -- not human rights. if we really cared about human rights we would not go to the olympics. why was saddam any worse than the myanmar junta? or even the chinese govt?
forget global warming -- greed and a lack of compassion will kill this planet long before all the ice caps melt
Viva Roberto Clemente & Enrique Gorriarán Merlo!
Make no mistake, we've propped up the thugs in Myanmar just like we propped up Samoza. And I have always suspected that the CIA and Samoza had something to do with Clemente's death.
Great post by the way.
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