Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Occasional Forgotten Video: U2, "Two Hearts"

I had my second and last final for the semester, in Chemistry 201 this morning. It was a rough one. I'm brain dead today, and still have to work tonight, so I'm taking the easy way out with another "Occasional Forgotten Video." When I'm feeling a little fresher and creative tomorrow, I'll post about the beginning of the The Evil Dictator's baseball season, including a surprise about the team's sponsor. Just to give you a hint, his Indy Cred is about to skyrocket. And he will try to break your heart.

This vid was from 1983, a year before the overtly political turns that U2 would take with albums like "The Unforgettable Fire" and "The Joshua Tree" in 1984 and 1987 respectively. This song is pure pop brilliance and the video beautifully filmed in Paris.


lulu said...

He's playing ball with Tweedy's kids? You are SO inviting me to some games when I'm home this summer!

lulu said...
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Mnmom said...

Bono and I were both way cuter in 1983.

Anonymous said...

Gotta Love the Mullet....

BeckEye said...

Oh....I love this song. Back when U2 weren't so glossy and rocked so much harder.