It reminded me about an article I read yesterday about 20-year-old Jeremy Hernandez, the hero on the school bus that ended up on the 35W bridge in Minneapolis when it collapsed on Wednesday.
When the bridge collapsed, the bus had fallen against the concrete embankment, making it impossible to open the door. Jeremy, who is a gym director for the summer program for children on the bus were in, jumped to the back of the bus and kicked the door open and started handing kids out to passers-by who had run over to help. There was an urgency to what he was doing-- a truck nearby had caught fire. Thanks to him, there were no fatalities on the bus.
In the article, I read that Hernandez had been studying to be an auto mechanic and had had to drop out around Christmastime last year because he ran out of money. If I had it in my financial means, I'd get my checkbook and write a check for his tuition today. I hope someone with deep pockets reads about him and does this.
I feel a special empathy for Mr. Hernandez-- he reminds me of our students. The school I have been working at for the last year takes young adults who have dropped out of high school and gets them working toward a high school diploma, and hopefully a better future.
When I started here last year, right around the time I started this blog, I was a wreck. I'd been RIF'ed from a job I loved, and had buried one of my closest friends, who was murdered by young gang members.
As I've reflected on what I've done the last year, a couple of specific moments, and students came to mind.

Ludovia talked about plans-- she was hoping that with this job, she'd be able to afford a nice first birthday party for her daughter in a few months. To see how excited she was about the prospects of her first job-- it was really moving. It was hard to believe that this friendly, sociable kid had been kicked out of high school for repeated fighting. It felt good to have been part of her transition to a functioning adulthood.
A little while ago, I wrote a letter of recommendation for one of my favorite students, Raul.
Raul had not dropped out of school-- he'd never attended high school. His life got off the rails somewhere along the way, but now that he's settled down with a long-term girlfriend, whom he now has two kids with, he wanted to move forward.
Raul may or may not finish high school-- he's got a lot of credits to make up, and even between this place and night school, it may be difficult to finish. However, he has a plan. He has started an apprenticeship to work as a tattoo artist.
Yesterday, Raul came by my room and asked a favor: he'd had to bring his tattoo-artist tools with him to school because he had to go to work right afterward. He asked me to keep his tools at my desk. He could have left them at the security desk, but he asked me to safeguard these tools that are the key to his new livlihood and future. I suddenly realized that I had provided something that had been lacking before in his life: trust.
Last October, I wrote a post about the death of my friend Mark, and how working here was very healing in dealing with my grief. I'd commmented on how I'd had the realization that everything in these kids' lives up to this point had let them down-- school, family, church, etc. As I get ready to leave this job, I've been reflecting on how difficult it was at times. But I don't think anything else I could have done could have done more help me past the pain of my friend's murder.
In her post, Amy talked about a terrible automobile accident she'd had, and how some truck driver had come to her aid immediately, and mentioned other situations where people weren't so eager to help. It got me to thinking about something I read years ago: "Who would have to be in what kind of trouble for you to change your life to help them?"
That's a real challenge, isn't it? I think about times I've helped someone: I've bought homeless people meals; I've pulled my car over and jump-started strangers' cars; stopped and helped up people who have fallen; jumped in and broken up fights when I saw bullying or a mismatch. None of those things really required a life change. Being a teacher on other hand, did. I'd have to say that my time as a teacher, particularly this last year, have been the times I have most felt like I was really helping someone.
In our lives, we get these moments in which we face a choice: to help or not to help. The other day, Jeremy Hernandez faced that choice and jumped in the saddle and helped. I hope someone sees that they too have a choice-- to help this kid finish school.
I'm leaving teaching because I had to make some blunt economic choices-- I have two kids who'll need college tuition in a few years, and a pretty wife whom I want to make sure is comfortable when we retire. But in leaving today, I feel good. I feel like I made a difference. And I hope, like Amy wrote, that people look for chances, big or small, to make a difference. Because, you see, it's the best damned feeling I've ever felt.
Oh how I wish that Skyler could have a teacher like you JY. There are too many of them in our school district who don't see any potential in him, and are thinking they are really great just for letting him in the front door.
Thank you for making difference. I don't think anyone is going to begrudge you for trying to help yourself and your family after all your hard work.
Do you think it's going to be tough for you to leave, to no longer have such a positive affect on kids who need it? I fully support what you're planning to do, but I wonder if that's going to leave a hole in your soul.
I'm not so sure I'm making a difference with my students. After sixteen years, I only hear about the ones who come back to prison. I can only hope ...
... my wife's van broke down yesterday right before a very busy intersection. As I went to her aid, I noticed how inconsiderate folks can be. When I finally got her van started we drove the few blocks to our subdivision. With the hazard lights on and driving slow, an older gentleman, whom we don't know accept that he lives one street over, started honking his horn before passing us at a high rate of speed on a residential street. Once we got home, I decided to find out where he lives, but he must of parked his car in his garage and went on to live his miserable life. I'll bet he takes his family to church every Sunday also.
"Oh Well," "Turn up the Radio."
Good luck with your future plans.
As someone who is just entering the education field, I just want to say that I hope I am lucky enough to have inspired my students the way that you have when I finish my career.
Great post.
Nice work, congrats, and good luck! My summer school is ending and I'll get a few weeks off to roam, thank God. But I'm also keeping my eye out for newer possibilities. . .
You're not done teaching - you don't have to be in a schoolroom to help kids out and I'm sure you will continue to do so.
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