2. Do You Remember When- J. Geils Band
3. I Walk the Line- Johnny Cash
4. Bohemian Like You- The Dandy Warhols
5. 6060-84- The B-52's
6. Los Marineros- Jamie O'Reilly and Michael Smith
7. Lay Down (Candles In The Rain)- Melanie
8. I Only Want To Be With You- Hootie and the Blowfish
9. Somebody's Baby- Jackson Browne
10. Darlin' Companion- Johnny Cash and June Carter
1. Maybe the only good thing that came from the otherwise forgettable 80's movie Streets of Fire. Well, okay, that and Diane Lane.
2. From Freeze Frame.
3. Johnny Cash's signature song.
4. One of the great band names ever. Great song, too.
5. From the B-52's great first album.
6. From Pasiones: Songs From the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, a show about the Lincoln Brigade.
When I was involved in a Lincoln Brigade organization, I got to get to know Jamie O'Reilly and Michael Smith. I discovered that Smith had penned one of my favorite songs, The Dutchman, which Steve Goodman covered beautifully. It was one of the first songs I ever sat down and taught myself on guitar years ago, something I told Michael. How cool was that, being able to tell the guy how much I loved his song?
7. Melanie's song about Woodstock
8. Okay, so it's Hootie and the frickin' Blowfish-- sue me.
9. A song from the Fast Times At Ridgemont High soundtrack
10. A gorgeous song, written by John Sebastian. From the Live At San Quentin album.
I don't know that B-52s song; I'll need to check it out.
A lot of us did take some time off from Random Friday but I think we are all back this week.
Wait a darn minute here, buddy. First, you diss "Streets of Fire," which, yes, is BAD, but it's so bad that it's actually awesome. Then, you list a song that isn't even synonymous with the movie...skipping over the dramatic Fire Inc./Jim Steinman numbers, the Dan Hartman joint and even The Blasters' "One Bad Stud!" Sheesh. I need to go lie down.
I won't sue you. I love that Hootie song.
I can't figure out which is more fun: 6060-842 or Bohemian Like You. They're definitely different but great.
I have been remiss in posting my top 10, but that's because I only have a computer at work, and I rarely bring my ipod. When I get online at home I will be better; I promise.
TenS knows Hootie (and some assorted blowfish)
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