I'm finally getting into a groove with work. There was so much to learn-- for most of the customers, it's their first time there, so you have to know the menu in pretty minute detail. The place is still pretty new-- only five months-- so they're still ironing out some problems. But overall, it's been good, and sometimes great.
Tonight, Wilco played across the street, in Millenium Park, so the place was packed before and after the concert. I quipped to one of my fellow workers that it appeared that Wilco was no longer a cult favorite.
I'm enjoying school a lot. The teacher is great, my classmates are nice, and the subject is interesting. This weekend, I have to take two quizzes online. I was laughing, thinking to the first classes I took at Truman College-- Spanish classes, in the late eighties. The internet was still the purview of a few scientists and military people, for the most part. Now it's just assumed that the students have internet access.
nice cabinets!
Yay new tree!
That freezer is where I plan keeping you body parts....underneath the giant frozen bag of potstickers, next to the waffles.
Johnny get thee to the farmer's market and start freezing your fruits and veggies for the winter.
Right now is raspberry season, and sweet corn is super easy to freeze. Also beans.
Glad to hear things are smoothing out, the place looks great!
Yeah, yeah, your life is great. But you didn't answer the important question: Could you hear the Wilco show? If so, were they fab?
It looks like that tree could withstand any storm. Almost.
It looks like the Charlie Brown tree compared to what you lost, but stick around for 20 years...
Kim - that's gross. Waffles should never be frozen.
Looks like a nice little neighborhood. I love trees. One of my greatest sorrows in life is living in a place largely devoid of trees.
Wilco is still a cult favorite. The cult has just gotten much bigger. A lot of people drive Volkswagens.
I remember when Wilco was here last year and played at a medium-sized stand up hall. In the newspaper review it was written that would likely be the last time we would see Wilco at a smaller venue. Sure enough a month ago they played a concert hall here.
Lovely cabinets btw. And I love your beautiful tree-filled street.
Sounds like things are looking up although I'm a bit wary of Kim's storage ideas.
Thanks! Now if they'd just finish the backyard...
Do you think the tree will get me enough carbon credits to keep driving my Blazer?
Remember that you don't get to collect on the insurance if you're involved in my demise...
Kim's not kidding about the foods already in there! It's packed already.
Skyler's Dad-
Thanks! It's nice to have a functioning kitchen in this place after nine years.
It is a great neighborhood.
A few years ago, our area was one of the first in the country to get infested with the Asian Longhorned Beetles. About 35 years ago, we lost a lot of the trees in the city to Dutch Elm Disease; they were replaced with hardy maples. We were afraid we were going to lose the maples to the beetles-- they started cutting down whole blocks of trees. Fortunately they found some treatments that saved the trees.
By all accounts, it was a great show!
It's always nice when a great band gets discovered, isn't it?
I haven't seen "We Are Trying To Break Your Heart" yet; I love the story behind it, though-- record company dumps them, they buy the album, put it out themselves, and have a huge hit. Big "F You" to the record company.
Isn't it hard, when a favorite band gets big? You love seeing success for them, but it's a little sad not to see them anymore in some intimate venue.
We do have a lovely little block. It's really funny-- we're actually about 8 or 9 houses off of Western Avenue, one of the busiest streets in Chicago. Because of the trees, you can't even hear the traffic.
Thanks! You know where to look for me if you don't hear from me for a while...
I always find it unnerving whenever I hear Wilco being played in my local Starbucks.
I didn't even know Wilco still had fans. Huh.
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