Miss Emily Litella: Thanks, Cheddar!
I'm here today to talk about KY Diving. I was walking near Johnny Yen's house the other day and saw a bumper sticker advertising KY Diving! What kind of sick, degenerate activity is this KY Diving! How low can morals go in this country? Why when Harry S. Truman was president...
Chevy: Miss Litella...
Miss Emily Litella: Do I even dare ask what KY Diving is? I'm sure some bohemian communist sicko pervert came up with it...
Chevy: Miss Litella, excuse me... I think it said "SKYDIVE" and the "S" wore off of the bumper sticker.
Miss Emily Litella: What?
Chevy: The "S"-- it said "SKYDIVE" and the "S" wore off of the bumper sticker.
Miss Emily Litella: Oh-- it said "SKYDIVE" and the "S" wore off? Oh, well then that's different. (Smiles) Never mind!
Bwaaaa ha ha ha, brilliant JY!!
I was kind of intrigued by the KY Diving.
i will say.....
i still miss gilda radner
Dammit-- I had higher hopes for this... I thought there might have been something new to try or a new euphamism to use...
Heh heh.
That sounds like more fun than naked jello wrestling.
By the way, Johnny, as a fellow video lover I think you would enjoy my newest quiz. You have to guess the video by the screen shot. Everyone's wussing out on it.
And to think I was all excited and ready to learn about this new adventure sport "Kentucky Diving"
I was going to tell the mrs. about KY diving but I guess not.
Ha! That's great. :o)
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