Oh, and I got A's on all three of them, bringing my grade for the class up to an A. Just thought I'd mention that.
I've got three great lab partners, and we've been getting our labs done quickly and correctly, so a lot of days we even get out of class early, including today.
But as well as this summer has been going, one thing has been bothering me-- getting to school.
I've been driving there a lot of days; the gas I burned was less than the four bucks round-trip the bus would cost. Several days last week, I didn't drive-- there was street-cleaning around the school, so I walked. It took me only thirty minutes to walk. But I don't necessarily want to walk every day-- since I now work not one, but two jobs as a waiter, my knees are frequently killing me. But it occurred to me that driving my two-ton Chevy Blazer the ten blocks to school is kind of ridiculous, particularly given how great the weather has been lately.
And on top of it, my lovely bride rode her bike to and from her downtown Chicago job yesterday, about a fifteen mile roundtrip. This shamed me into action.
On my way from work last night, I stopped at Target and bought the bad boy that is pictured at the top of this post. It's a Schwinn that cost just over $150 after taxes. It's very basic; it's got five speeds, and none of the "quick-release" wheels and seat that my mountain bike has. My mountain bike would be picked clean in an hour in the drug-addict-filled neighborhood I go to school in.
It was great not only going to school and back on my new bike, but running to the produce store, Trader Joe's and Jewel's for broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage, basil and dried tomato chicken sausage, Malbec and other staples, all while burning calories rather than gasoline. I realized that with gas at over four bucks a gallon, and a car that gets about 12 miles to the gallon in the city, I saved about ten bucks already with the purchase of my bike. I realized that I'll save the price of the bike in about the first month I own it.
Or more than the cost of the two bottles of Malbec I bought.
Take that, Exxon/Mobil/Bush/Cheney. Eat my bike.
A new battle cry has been born:
Eat my bike!
Glad about the A's in your classes!
The planet and I thank you.
Don't ride it into a building.....
See? One more reason to move back to Chicago - used to ride my bicycle to/from work every day. Congratulations on your A's.
Cheney is scowling all the more fiercely, and somewhere in Venezuela a beefy dictator is bellowing in rage.
Way to go at school! Keep working hard at it. I have an idea for your bike, put a basket on the front and get a little stuffed Toto dog. It would be great comedy relief.
isnt it great --- you get yourself in shape as you save money and save the planet
maybe we should thank bush
on second thought.....
Awesome congrats on the A's and the eco-star savings.
Three cheers and one huzzah!
Yay malbecs! You should have gotten three - one for each A you got.
We've been biking a lot more now too. Feels better that way, too.
Congratulations on the high marks.
That's great, JY! I envy you being able to get places on a bike. Around here it is not easy - distance, dirt roads, etc. Furthermore, it is over 110 pretty consistently lately. Yeah, dry heat, I know - but the sweat and sun block dripping in your eyes is brutal.
I've been announcing the cost of each car trip to the Things for the past couple of weeks. They are so sick of me!!!
Congratulations on your excellent marks! And even more congratulations on breaking the gsa habit. What a way to go!
I wish I could bike to work, but perhaps in my next job.
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