Economists have recently declared that we have been in a recession for the last year.
Right off the top of my head I can think of a half dozen friends and family members who are unemployed. Headlines in the last year have featured dozens of huge corporations are either going under or laying off tens of thousands of people. Anybody out there besides me who thought there might be a recession going on in the last year?
D'OH!! So THAT's whats been going on! Thank God we have such smarty pants over paid morons to finally point it out for us.
Other news just in:
Bears crap in the woods.
The Pope is catholic.
Tune in tomorrow when we try and verify whether or not the sun rises in the east!
Say, I heard that Economists have recently declared that the price of gas has skyrocketed...
I was too busy borrowing more and more money against the decreasing equity in my home, and working more overtime so I could spend more money buying things so that the terrorists wouldn't win to notice.
In related news, historians have come to the conclusion that Abraham Lincoln was indeed assasssinated.
a humble request...(for anyone not allowing this post through--not spam--)
Anyone happen to know who Secret Dubai (the blogger: secretdubai.blogspot.com) is?
Economists are encouraged never to say the word "depression" because the stock market will surely go down, which it did, even though everyone knew it already. Even then, the announcement has to be released at a time when the least amount of political fallout will can place.
The word "depression" has such a negative history associated with it that it never will be able to used without fear coming along for the ride.
...fallout will take place.
It's been like a domino effect of horrors from the first year of Bush-Cheney, roiling thorugh Michigan and globally through today.
In Michigan, we're still reeling from the ongoing effects of Jennifer Granholm.
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