I started my Anatomy class this morning. A friend of mine took the teacher before and highly recommended him. I can see why; he's easy-going, clear and has a sense of humor.
Like most college classes, we spent the first class going through the syllabus, textbook requirements, class rules, procedures, etc. He also covered cheating. As a former teacher, I certainly could relate: he told stories of students cheating in the past-- primarily writing "cheat sheets," including one creative student who had a retractable cheat sheet that he could slip up his sleeve when he waved his hand over his hair. Obviously, the teacher caught him.
I noted that as a teacher, I'd observed the same thing that he observed-- that most students who cheat end up putting more effort into it than if they had simply studied.

Could you cheat in anatomy class by tattooing every one of your body parts with it's name?
I think that the professor might get a little suspicious when I undressed for the test.
I was going to say the same thing that Skyler's Dad did. Obviously he snuck into my notes and copied. Who do I report this to?
I love that Olivier quote. I used it several times while I was directing Dracula.
Every time I see Dustin Hoffman, I think of the Olivier thing, it's so classic.
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