Checking over at http://www.abevigoda.com/, we find....
Abe Vigoda is STILL ALIVE! Repeat-- Abe Vigoda is still alive!
You may now carry on with your day's regularly planned activities.
The ramblings and musings of a generally genial, but sometimes cranky baby-boomer and old punk-rocker
He looked old in The Godfather, which was released in 1972 and probably filmed in '71!
Phew! You had me worried there for a minute. Now I can go back to studying. Wanna have a study party sometime in some comfy coffee serving joint? If I have to suffer, it might be nice to have someone else suffer with me. Lu used to come over and grade papers while I studied. Not exactly the same, but it worked just fine.
God bless!
see what happens when you get busy during the week, you forget about Abe
now back to reruns of Fish
I know that picture is of him in the 70's. I guess I'll have to use my imagination about now..., or I could google it or actually click the link there. See all the trouble it would have been for me to do the investigative journalism youjust did for us. Thank you. Thank you, Johnny Yen.
He pops up occasionally on Conan and I always wonder if it's a rerun. Keep going Abe!
I don't know if I liked him better in "The Godfather" or in "Joe Versus the Volcano"
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