"If the Americans go in and overthrow Saddam Hussein and it's clean, he has nothing, I will apologize to the nation, and I will not trust the Bush Administration again, all right?" -on finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, March 18, 2003
The ramblings and musings of a generally genial, but sometimes cranky baby-boomer and old punk-rocker
Bill is one of my favorites.... Hosting a show using bully tactics, over talking, constant interruption, dismissing, yelling, finger pointing, it's all good. That is how I like to have ideas thumped into my brain. After all I am a dolt and can not think for myself and need an opinonated, closed minded bully to think for me. He would make a great Pastor.
Well thank God he's a man of conviction...
How's that search going, anyway?
But at least he is "fair and balanced", right?
Interesting. What's Bill said on the subject in the past 5 years?
How about that vid of him on Letterman's show, or interview with Michael Moore that I found?
Johnny, saw your comment on Lu's blog. I told you there were falcons on that library! Gotta love E-town.
Liar Liar Pants on Fire
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