2. Bette Davis Eyes- Kim Carnes
3. Stupid Girl- The Rolling Stones
4. Maxwell's Silver Hammer- The Beatles
5. Lord Grenville- Al Stewart
6. Welcome To The Working Week- Elvis Costello
7. Joy- Apollo 100
8. They're Coming To Me Away- Napolean Bonaparte XIV
9. Cyprus Avenue- Van Morrison
10. You Light Up My Life- Patti Smith Group
1. This is my favorite Eurythmics song. Love the creepy video, too.
2. One hit wonder from the eighties.
3. I'm compiling a "Top Ten Most Un-PC Songs Ever" list for a future post. This song, from the terrific "Aftermath" album, is on that list.
4. We got the kids the Beatles Rock Band, so lots of Beatles going on around here lately.
5. From Al Stewart's "Year of the Cat" record. It was one of the first records I bought, when I was in high school. Still love it.
6. This tune has one of the funniest opening lines ever.
7. A big hunk of '70's cheese, and I love it.
8. I loved hearing this one on Dr. Demento when I was a kid.
9. From the lovely Astral Weeks album.
10. Yes, THAT "You Light Up My Life." And yes, THAT Patti Smith. It's one of the little rarities I have on my Itunes.
I could never sleep when I was a kid, so my mom let me listen to the radio to drown out all the scary late night house sounds. One night "They're Coming to Take Me Away" Came on the radio and scared the crap out of me. I don't know if I could listen to it again now.
I am kind of happy we didn't get the Olympics, I say let another country absorb the cost.
I loved Betty Davis eyes until it got played to death.
"Stupid Girl" is pretty groovy -- and wicked. I still like "Bette Davis Eyes," though I haven't actually heard it again in many years. Good stuff, man!
I agree re: Chicago, and all American cities, for that matter. Where there's a will, there's a way. Where there's not enough will, there's not enough way.
I used to hear "They're Coming To Take Me Away" all the time on old Top 40 radio.
Dr. Demento I know only as part of the history of Weird Al.
Someone spoofed "Bette Davis Eyes" and made a song "Marty Feldman Eyes", which ends up being one of those cases where the spoof is superior to the original song.
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