1. I eat non-breakfast foods for breakfast.

2. I have trouble getting rid of paperwork.
This is one that my wife just loves. I think it goes back to my custody fight with my ex-girlfriend. I saved everything, including reciepts, because I almost always ended up needing them eventually. I'm working on getting rid of this trait. And my wife is (usually) a patient woman.
3. I am blessed and cursed with the ability to always and forever remember faces.
This can be good-- in my waitering job, for instance. People love being recognized as regulars, particularly if they bring friends in-- they feel like bigshots. It can help your income. On the other hand, I will be walking down the street and see someone and know that I know them, but have no idea where I met them. Even on television-- two people in a couple of commericials. One turned out to be a guy I worked with (I mentioned this before in a previous post) and one is a regular at the restaurant-- he's in that commercial where the couple bring the faucet in and ask the architect to design a house around it. I also saw him in a movie-- "The Girl in the Cafe," looked him up on the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com) and found that he played Col. Dietrich, the German officer who gets melted at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. What's really funny about that is that he's a very nice guy.

Oh, wait, that wasn't me. That was Johnny Cash. My mistake.
4. I was a very good archer when I was younger.

5. I pick up languages easily.
I learned German when I was a teenager, and can still speak and read it. My best friend, who is German, told me that when I've had a few drinks, I speak German without an accent. That seems appropriate somehow. I learned Spanish in about six months.
6. I hate grading papers.
In that case, being a teacher was probably not the best profession to go into. I didn't realize it until I became a teacher. And probably part of why I'm changing professions eventually.
Since I have a feeling a lot of people have been tagged already, I'm going to limit it to three: Alasdair, Flannery, and Dale.
Ach, mein Gott! Ich habe bereits das geschreiben. Das tut mir leid. Mochten Sie wieder zu einer anderen Zeit spielen?
(I'm a bit rusty, how did I do?)
You stole all the good strange ones Johnny. I'll give it a go in the exciting days to come.
Why is it that I have German in my background but manage not to know any of it?
Du hast der Deutsche sehr gut geschreibt-- I'd forgotten that you'd written about that before. I was particularly amused about the potty-training one-- I wonder now what my son must have been thinking-- we offered Elmo and Spiderman underpants as a bribe. I was also pretty amused about the fights between hands (as an avid baseball player, I envy "crossed dominance"-- we call it "switch-hitting" in baseball). And regarding the faked seance-- I'll have to remember, if I need someone to keep a secret, that you're the one to go to.
I have a bunch of German in my background, but didn't speak it until I learned it in high school.
You don't know German. You can read off a German menu and that's it. . .come on!
You got me...
Actually, I hate German food.
You know that 2nd anonymous wasn't me right? Dale
I new :). I suspect it's my wife, who is jealous of my multi-lingualism ;)
I can't believe you can learn languages so quickly! what an awesome skill. so is the facial recognition.
you're an interesting fellow, yenish!
I'm so glad I meemed you :--0
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