I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this story. The city of Minneapolis has had an openly lesbian fire chief, Bonnie Bleskachek, for a few years. Very cool. San Francisco has had a lesbian police chief for some time, and there are openly gay politicians in a lot of places. Also very cool. I hope that within my lifetime, it'll cease to be an issue-- that nobody will give a hoot about someone's sexuality, and that they'll be able to be open about it without fear of damaging themselves professionally.
Apparently, though, Bleskachek has been sexually harassing and discriminating against fire department employees.
Part of me is appalled and part of me is amused. It galls me that someone who probably had to deal with discrimination and unwanted sexual advances would commit the same offenses. Part of me is amused, though, realizing that in the end, she was prey to the same tempations as every other human being. In a weird way, it's liberating: she can fuck up just like everybody else can.
Yeah, that's one of those on-the-other-hand issues. You'd wish she'd behaved ... but she is a person in some level of power.
Personally, I think lesbians should do a bit more harassing. They've taken their fare share of crap; time for some payback.
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