When Adam was a newborn, I was usually the one who fed him at night or sat up with him if he couldn't sleep, since I worked nights, and was up anyway.
One night while I sat up with him, I turned the television on. I got the notion to turn on Rush Limbaugh; I criticized and made fun of him so much, I figured I should actually watch him a little bit.

Within five minutes, I couldn't take it anymore. They flashed a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was then about 13 years old and Limbaugh quipped something about "the White House dog." I was aghast. Was this what all the right-wing nuts thought was so clever? A guy making a joke that a mean junior high schooler might make?

I guess Ms. Clinton's got the last laugh, though. Years later, she's a beautiful young woman and Rush is a fat old jowly drug-addicted asshole.
And may she not forget to put dead flowers on his grave. . .
Excuse my French, but Rush is a miserable prick.
There is no better way to measure the success of an administration than by the physical appearance of their offspring.
Rush. What a waste of everyone's time.
You know, as well as I do, that Limbaugh, and all of these moronic right-wing talk show hosts, appeal to the lowest common denominator. They aim for stupid, cause they know what their listners will respond to.
Ugh, I almost stopped reading when I saw the word Rush - ewww.
Hey don't you know that he has a bad back?
I thought Chelsea was always hot.
good for chelsea growing up to be sort of cute... i always thought it was weird/awful how hideous comedians, and old fat ugly ass rags like limbaugh and whatnot were treating a little girl like that.
I have always imagined that growing up in the White House might just be the worst thing a kid could go through. It has got to be miserable, not being able to have anything even near what a typical kid could have in the way of parties, social circles, sanity...
I saw Chelsea at the summer Olympics in 1996 - she was a young girl then, not sure exactly how old.
Simply put, she does not photograph well but in person I thought she was very cute.
The other very funny thing is that Jenna and not-Jenna have been adults throughout their father's maladministration, but have always been shielded-like it's too mean to pick on them.
My husband listens to his show nearly every day. He calls it "taking one for the team" so that he can stay abreast of the newest brands of crazy rumors and speculation of which Limbaugh is often the source. He will often research Limbaugh's lies so that he has better ammunition to use when cornered by the dittoheads and Fox News worshipers he encounters daily.
I admire his efforts, but stay clear of the room when he's listening to the show so I don't throw a brick at the radio.
She's darling, and from what I have seen of her, smart, and as normal as someone growing up under those circumstances can be.
It's sad when grown-ups act like middle school kids.
She's quite the accomplished scholar too, so take that Rush. She's everything you WISH you were, and will never ever be.
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