I am dismayed by this. This reminds me of the early eighties when conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly was a big part in defeating the Equal Rights Amendment. You see, all of you ladies who would vote for McCain just because he's got a woman on his ticket, sometimes a gift is not what it appears. You may want to look up some information on the Trojan Horse.
I am really in fear of this election, and our country...
I became a Democrat when I was a little girl and Ferraro was on the ticket. (I've stayed one because I'm smart and concerned about healthcare and education.) What makes me really sad is that there are probably little girls all over the country now who may grow up to be Republicans because of this chick. And I don't know what women who changed or made up their minds based on her are thinking.
Just being a woman doesn't make someone pro woman. How stupid do people have to be not to realize that? Then again...
So basically their whole plan is to go after the anti-melanin, pro-vagina vote?
It's sad that some people will base their votes on genitals. Sad, but true.
That's right ladies, an old ugly guy with a Trojan horse on your doorstep is baaaad, a young hot guy with Trojans on your doorstep is gooooood!
Hopefully - time is running out - she'll be shown for the charlatan she is.
Grant Miller is correct. There's some recent polling data (sorry I can't find the link right now) to indicate that the more people see and learn of her, the less favorable an opinion they have of her.
Yeah, last two are right on from latest info. (things are moving so fast it's hard to keep up) -- like trying to glimpse Phil Gramm's little turtle head --
Leaked email, general idiocy, etc.
Never mind -- Obama's gonna win. But at this point, who would want the job?
There's a conservative backlash just building towards Palin. It's already cracking through, thank goodness.
Did you see that Schlafly was just out denouncing Obama? Who moved the rock?
I actually have much in common with the lady.Coming from a hunting culture I have tracked,field dressed and packed a deer out of the woods. As a hockey photog we have even more in common. However would I like this woman running the country? No way, no how,I do not give a damn she has a pleasure pouch! She can keep her personal values off my free thinking body!
she's scary
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