See the book at the top of this post? It's Adam Smith's classic "The Wealth of Nations," which was first published in 1776. It's sort of an owner's manual for capitalism. Unlike most people, including, presumably, most people working in on Wall Street and the banking industry, I've actually read it. I read it for an assignment in an Economics class in college and wrote a paper on it.

"This is a simple game. You throw the ball, you hit the ball, you catch the ball. You got that?!"
Adam Smith lays it out just like Joe Riggins. You get the materials. You hire some workers. You produce something. You sell it for more than the cost of labor and materials that you paid for. Your reward for your trouble is the difference between the costs of production and what you sell it for. It's called "profit."
Yet, somehow capitalists can't seem to manage to get it right. It's a simple game. Produce something someone wants to buy and sell it for more than it cost you. Or loan out some money with the anticipation of being paid back with some interest. Or lease or rent something you own for more than it cost you. Simple, right?
But if you read the Wall Street Journal or the business pages of the New York Times, you enter an alternate universe of bizarre economics. Hedge funds. Futures. Derivatives. "Flipping" property.
Reading about these guys, 28-year-old hedge fund managers who live in mansions on Martha's Vineyard, you got the impression that actually producing something seemed to be looked on as a sucker's game. The really big money was in the high stakes gambling of buying and selling increasingly amounts of precarious debt, debt that in their perverse universe got more valuble the riskier it was.
These people apparently have the attention span of four-year-olds. Remember the internet bubble, less than ten years ago? Remember how internet stock values rose and rose, until they defied the ability of even the best-performing companies to deliver a profit even remotely commensurate with the inflated stock values?
And of course they brought the rest of the stock market down with them, especially after 9/11. My parents, who were getting ready to retire, watched in horror as their retirement portfolio lost over a third of its value.

The tulip was first imported to Europe from Turkey, then part of the Ottoman Empire, in the late 1500's. Since tulips were able to tolerate the rough weather of Northern Europe, they rapidly gained in popularity. They became sought-after status symbols. Rich people contracted out with growers, and the first futures contracts were born, for tulip bulbs.

It's a simple game until men with power get greedy, then it all crumbles...
No fears, cutting out pork-barrel spending will solve everything, right?
I think there might be criminal investigations concerning the ratings agencies who gave AAA and AA rating to highly dubious mortgages bundled into securities which in turn were obscenely over leveraged. At least, there should be.
Great comparison btw.
What a great post Johnny Yen- you really break it down beautifully.
Tragically greed is something that never seems to change in any meaningful way. Of late I have simply been pondering why in the freaking hell anyone needs to earn amounts like $500 million a year, like some of these CEOs do.
It is sick sick sick.
Absolutely dead on.
(Smith also advocated letting the American colonies go independent, and then keeping them in the Empire's "free" trading system, yes? I read it, too, once upon a time ;)
Stone lays it out bluntly in Wall Street, also, with the old timers being the wiser characters.
I'm with Obama-Biden -- everyone making more than 250k needs to pay a lot more in taxes as part of their patriotic duty.
Menawhile, the Chinese have a space walking cosmonaut and the Russians make a deal with Venezuela. The beat goes on with us or without us.
when we gave up manufacturing for moving money -- we were sunk. we dont make anything anymore - we ceded that to asia a long time ago --
this was all built on a house of cards - and you nail it perfectly. this is not capitalism - it is american capitalism - and it is an abject FAILURE. not only do we worship greed over anything else -- we also poo-poo anyone who wants to help those who dont profit from this house of cards -- call it socialism. which is INGRAINED in us as very very bad.
meanwhile while we are told socialism like cuba and china is bad, the socialism in sweden and norway seems to work out ok.
america is failing not only because of greed and and lack of leadership but because of lack of compassion and the narcisstic outlook we continue to hold so near and dear
What I want to know is how the hell are we going to deal with the faltering 43 TRILLION dollar credit default swap market? With all global derivatives possibly equaling 500 TRILLION! What a handful of these financial wizards have done in fourteen years is probably the envy of terrorists everywhere, I'm sure! Bravo boys, br-a-vo!
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