Sunday, November 09, 2008

Joe Lieberman

My, how Joe Lieberman's star has fallen. He was considered such an asset to the Democratic Party at one time that he was Al Gore's running mate in 2000. Since then, he has sided with the Republicans-- to the point that he lost the Connecticut Democratic Senate primary in 2004. No problem, says Joe-- I'll run as an "Independent." And that he did, and he won, keeping his Senate seat.

But that wasn't enough for old Joe to do that. He had to endorse and campaign for the other party's candidate in the Presidential election. In fact, he very nearly was McCain's running mate.

I'd say more, but my best friend Rocket Science has said it so much better already. In fact, he's given our buddy Joe an award he so richly deserves.

In the meantime, the picture at the top of the post is of Fredo Corleone Joe Lieberman, on the left, in his recent meeting with Senate Majority Leader Michael Corleone Reid. Joe is groveling asking to keep his important Senate committee assignments despite stabbing the Democratic Party in the back. Reid is saying "I love you Joe, but never take sides against the family."


Joe said...

So you're saying he's a big salad tosser.

Mnmom said...

If they offer to take him on a fishing trip, he'd better reconsider.

SkylersDad said...

I don't think Joe should go missing, maybe just a knee-capping?

Erik Donald France said...

The guy should move in with Michael Jackson in Dubai.

Joe said...

By the way Mr. Yen, you're tagged

Anonymous said...

It's one thing to support McCain vigorously but it's quite another to stand blithely by, nodding in the affirmative while charges of socialism and hanging (i.e. conspiring) around with terrorists were made. What if a prominent Republican (like Hagel) had spoken at the Dems convention and stood around while McCain was called a fascist or neo-nazi? Can you imagine what kind of welcome he might receive? I say demote the bastard.

I wonder if he'll have enough support in his home state next go around? Seems problematic for him to me, if the Dems can find a decent enough horse to run against him that is.

SamuraiFrog said...

The sad thing is hearing Harry Reid talk about what an important, progressive politician Lieberman is. I don't think he's going anywhere. Democratic ineffectualness wins again.

dmarks said...

Harry Reid has some Tom DeLay in him. The Hammer strikes again.

Dad E said...

I remember vividly the vice-president debate between Lieberman and Chaney. Chaney just before the debate was not looked favorably, but Lieberman played nicey, nicely with him like they do in the Senate, instead of tearing him a new ass hole like the VP candidate is supose to do. Chaney came across and being somewhat of a thoughtful and reasonable person.

I have marked down this day as the day that Gore lost the election. If the real Chaney had been revealed then history would have been changed in my opinion especially given the closeness of the race.

Selecting Lieberman was Gore's biggest mistake.

dmarks said...

I think Barack's choice of Biden was a mistake (gaffe prone, nothing really new and exciting), but his campaign had enough other strengths and McCain's had enough weaknesses that it did not matter.

mikejaz said...

Sure. Like Harry Reid has any balls at all; like he'll do anything but ask Liebercreep "Hey, Joe, ya still want that committee chairmanship?"

Reid and Pelosi and most of the other Democratic leadership are part of the problem; counting on them to solve anything is foolish.