Sunday, November 02, 2008

I've Seen This Guy Before

Last week, Alaska's Republican Senator Ted "The Bridge To Nowhere" Stevens was convicted of all seven felony counts that he was accused of. These mostly involved accepting gifts illegally, including furniture and renovations to his home.

What would most normal people do, when faced with going into an election as a convicted felon? I would think that they'd think of their political party and their constituents and step down.

What's Ted's response? Furious denial and announcing his intent to go full speed ahead, although he's polling far behind his Democratic opponent, Anchorage mayor Mark Begich.

It occurred to me that I'd seen this guy, so used to his power and privilege, angrily wondering what he'd done wrong, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Then it dawned on me: Colonel Jessup. This was Colonel Jessup, Jack Nicholson's character in "A Few Good Men" shouting:

I'm being charged with a crime? Is that what this is? I'm being charged with a crime? This is funny. That's what this is. This is...

I guess I should thank Sen. Stevens: he's helping to deliver another Democratic seat to the Senate.


SkylersDad said...

I guess he can't handle the truth!

I am so glad I got here first so I could use that line!

Anonymous said...

I think people like Stevens (and most prominent Republicans of the last few decades) are completely without the "shame" gene inherent in most of us.

Mnmom said...

You nailed it!!! He has no shame.

Erik Donald France said...

The dude is also living in De-Nile.

Hope he can swim ;->

Even Michigan's Democratic shame, Kwame Kilpatrick, is now serving jail time.

Alaska may need to be nationalized. Let's spread the oil wealth around fairly :->

Joy said...

haha look @ the similarities in the pics! oh my goodness this is priceless... check out my blog @
Man that is so funny...

dmarks said...

And here it is Wednesday afternoon, and Stevens STILL hasn't lost. Oh well.