There's a big hubbub about Obama's "Special Olympics" comment on Jay Leno's show last week regarding his mediocre bowling. Yes, it was insensitive, not particulary funny and a poor choice of words-- and he immediately realized it. I'll cut the guy some slack--granted, I'm not the parent of a special needs kid, but god help me if I was judged on the stupid things I've said in the last month, let alone in my life. And he's a little preoccupied trying to straighten out the mess of eight years of aggressively stupid governing.
But even worse, he missed the opportunity for a line that would actually have been funny: "Yeah, I probably better not give up my day job."
I'm with you. The whole hullaballoo is retarded.
I agree, JY. I do not have special needs loved ones, but I would like to believe that I would understand where someone is coming from. Obama is an exceptionally intelligent man - but it doesn't mean he has to be perfect.
We judge what others do by their behavior. We judge ourselves based on our intent. It is the flaw of humans.
Bill Maher ripped into the whole thing rather pointedly.
I could never be president, for many reasons, but definitely because I say so much stupid crap that could be deemed offensive.
Really, sometimes people just say things and don't mean any harm. I think there's a lot more things to worry about right now then a remark that was immediately apologized for.
Bill Maher is the guy who said that special-needs children are subhuman, and should be treated like dogs. His statement was well-planned, and he only backed off later in reaction to outrage. I wonder how he ripped into this one.
I hope this is not indicative of how Obama jokes around when with friends and family.
I tried to find references to what Maher said about this. No luck. But I did find him making a joke about "Obama and his Negro army". Racist jokes may be "politically incorrect", but that is still no excuse.
But isn't it nice to have a President who actually admits to error and apologizes.
No more chest thumping neanderthal.
Has he admitted yet the error of breaking the promise of not having lobbyists in his administration? Or Geithner?
The Special Olympics representative should have played along and said, "Not with a score of 129 can you make it onto our team."
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