Just saw on an internet news headline that President Obama has accepted invitations to China and Russia to work out trade issues and to try for arms reductions respectively.
Isn't it nice to have a President who isn't surrounded by neo-con nutjobs? Isn't it nice to have a President who sees a future cooperating with the rest of the planet for a sustainable future? Isn't it nice to have a President who doesn't induce cringes every time he opens his mouth?
Isn't it nice to have a President who knows his ass from a hole in the ground?
Yes to all accounts! And yet my right-wingnut friends are all thinking this is the end of life as we know it...
Cripes, yes! To have a Pres that can string several intelligent words together. A Pres who actually THINKS about the issues. A Pres NOT born with a silver spoon in his mouth, or up his nose.
Thank God! It's SO damned exciting, man!
Oh Yeah!!!
I know. The last eight years I kept thinking how nice it would be to have a president I didn't have to be embarrassed of. And now we've got him.
It is especially nice to have a President who can string two sentences together without saying something stupid or embarrasing.
I second SkyDad's comment, though -- all my right-wing friends are in as much despair as I was 8 years ago. I keep reassuring them that, despite his best efforts, Bush didn't cause the end of the world in 8 years, so it's unlikely that Obama will, either. =]
Yes, yes it is! Finally
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