As per Minnesota state law, three judges were appointed to review the results of the Senatorial election, since it was so close. They determined that Al Franken got the most votes in the election, by 312 votes. Franken got the most votes-- that means he won. That's the way elections work, Norm. Just in case you didn't know. I'm pretty sure that the Minnesota Supreme Court will tell you the same thing.
There's a group that has put together a "Dollar a Day to Make Norm Go Away" campaign. People can pledge a buck (and set a limit if they like) for every day that ridiculous tool challenges the election. All proceeds go to Democratic candidates challenging Republican incumbents.
But just LOOK at that face! He's just too stubborn and greedy to work with facts. He just knows some high ranking crony will come through with a cheating scheme to get him back in. PLUS everyday this drags on is one less day the Dems can effectively halt a Senate filibuster.
He just can't believe that the affirmations worked so well for Al. "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggoneit people like me."
Don't knock it until you've tried it Norm.
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