Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has responded to President Obama's peace overtures by stating that "The Iranian people would welcome a hand extended to it if the hand is truly based on honesty."
Okay, Mahmoud, why don't you make the first move toward honesty and stop denying the Holocaust ever happened?
That guy's weird.
And maybe, just maybe, get rid of his #1 foreign policy goal of exterminating a nation of several million people.
I've noticed that most Holocaust-deniers take the stance of "it did not happen, but if it had, it would have been completely justified".
He could also use a "Queer Guy" makeover.
Absolutely! And quit hating on the gays and women too.
Yeah, I love it when people like that act like victims when they're the ones who victimize.
And he sure has his cheerleaders in the Western Hemisphere. Hugo Chavez and Pat Buchanan make strange bedfellows.
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