My wife sent me this posting from Craigslist:
Free Bumwine (Nighttrain, Thunderbird)
I have several cases of what is commonly refered to as bumwine. My father recently retired from owning several liquor stores located in Chicago. We have been able to sell off all the other higher shelf stuff but we can't get anyone to buy or even take this stuff for free. This is somewhat odd because this stuff was his best seller at several of his stores. I have successfully given several bottles away on the street from my car near the projects on Diversey and Damen but the cops told me it is actually illegal in Chicago to give alcohol away, you must charge for it. So anyone willing to drive to Lincolnwood can have the nine cases for free. (6 cases of Nighttrain, 2 of Thunderbird, 1 of Mad Dog) I have a serious aversion to throwing things away and neither I nor my family drink these brands. Send an email if interested.
Where was this guy when I really needed him-- when I was in college?
Dude, Pete will make something out of that. Sell it to him after you pick it up for free.
Great mother of god....
Yes, he will, won't he? Just call it's "Pete's Pick-- strong with a faint aroma of West Madison Street...."
Can you send me that craigslist ad? I can find all sorts of uses for it.
Isn't Craigslist grand?
See that shit is so bad you cannot even give it away. Just throw it in the trash, or do what we did at Que Syrah, put it out in the alley.
I wonder if you could make glogg with it ?
Oooohh-- just the mention of the word "glogg" gives me a headache. I have partaken of Hans' glogg at the Hopleaf on occasion. There's usually bail or apologies needed the next day.
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