Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rummy, Part 2

I was just discussing the Rumsfield resignation with Paul, one of the other teachers here, and he pointed something out-- why didn't Rumsfield resign like a month ago, possibly containing the damage to his party?

I actually have some insight on this. One of the regulars at the restaurant fellow blogger Phil and I work at (Phil-- it's Linda, of Larry and Linda) was Rumsfield's personal secretary. She said that he is every bit the asshole petty tyrant that he appears to be.

So this stupid buttmunch put his ego before his party, bringing it down in flames. Every Republican candidate who lost yesterday must be throwing darts at their Donald Rumsfield dartboard.

Come to think of it, I'm beginning to like Rumsfield a lot more.


Cup said...

You gotta blame Bush, too (thank sweet God), because he didn't take care of the problem. But, let's face it; Bush ain't a leader. Sad that it took Republicans six years to realize that.

Joe said...

Every Republican who lost may be throwing darts at their Rumsfeld boards. Except for the ones here in Illinois, who are stilling throwing them at pictures of George Ryan.

Johnny Yen said...

Hey-- Mr. Ryan was just respecting the fine, long tradition of Illinois governors going to the clink-- Kerner, Walker....

Joe said...

And probably by 2011, Blagojevich...

Johnny Yen said...

Yeah, I'm thinking that too, Bubs.