Tuesday, October 02, 2007

All The Cool Kids Were Doing It...

Since Beckeye, Coaster Punchman and now Bubs have been waxing nostalgic about the 80's, I thought I'd get in on it.

The summer of 1983, I was having the time of my life. I'd finally changed my major to political science, taking two summer school classes-- "Eastern European Politics and Government" and "Political Parties," which was by taught by Joe Connelly, my advisor and a very memorable guy. I worked in the food service of a dorm, so I had money for the first time in my college career, and was developing the friendships that would turn out to be lifelong, including the one with my friend Mark, who died last year.

In 1983, MTV still actually played music videos. This was one of them: China, by New Orleans natives The Red Rockers.


Foofa said...

83 was a good year. I had a bunk bed with a slide.

Evil Spock said...

'83, I was in 2nd grade. We didn't have cable back then, and I don't think NBC was doing Friday Night Videos yet . . .

Anonymous said...

Wow, I remember when MTV use to not totally suck. Barely.

SkylersDad said...

The best thing about the 80's was that the 70's disco era was finally over.

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

I was a sophomore in high school and the only one in my circle of friends with cable and remember this video well.

I recall drooling over these boys - I was weak in the knees for puffy shirts, leather pants and that style of hat. Like INXS in the Shaboo-Shabbah days.

Anonymous said...

Skylers Dad said...
"The best thing about the 80's was that the 70's disco era was finally over."

I thought the best thing about the 80s was the cocaine.

"I tell ya, I don't really like cocaine...I just like the way it smells"
- Rodney Dangerfield

Johnny Yen said...

Natalie and Evil Spock-
Thanks! I didn't already feel old enough after my son said, a few weeks ago, "God, dad, you've got a lot of grey hair!"

How about it? It's like Saturday Night Live-- I turn it on about once a year, and am just saddened to remember how good it once was.

Skyler's Dad-
I was right there with you! I hated disco with a passion. I was actually supposed to go to the infamous Comiskey Park Disco Demolition, but had tickets to a Pete Seeger/Arlo Guthrie concert that night! I ran into friends on the train home who'd been there!

Lady Who Doesn't Lunch-
I dug INXS in that period as well! I liked Shabooh Shabbah and the next album, The Swing.

That was a jones that I avoided-- saw too many friends get in trouble with it. I stuck to music, beer and problematic women. They were more than enough trouble.

Coaster Punchman said...

I also liked 1983, mainly because I was living in France for most of it. Sadly, I spent too much time in 1983 listening to "Thriller." I hope my equal obsession with "Let's Dance" somewhat made up for it.