Since I've actually met them, I've added Evil Genius and The Idea of Progress.
I recently added my stepdaughter-- The Way I See It. She is, of course, wise and funny beyond her years.
My and Kim's dear friend Sheb has returned to the blogosphere, this time with a musically-oriented blog, Will Anyone Hear This?. She always puts us to shame when she comes over to our place for karoake because she's a phenomenally talented musican and singer.

Well, guess what. It is his blog. Stop by there-- he's asking for volunteers to be interviewed.
don't forget the survey
Dr. Evil sure is trying to rope a few unsuspecting bloggers into his evil lair. How does the interview process work? Or will he be posting his questions on his site? Just thought I'd ask. You can never be too careful nowadays. lol.
OK, but this is the last time the Veil of Secrecy is pierced. Without the whole "Secrecy" part, it's just a veil, and I'm not sure that's a look I can pull off.
When I get home from work, I'll be adding you as well. I feel if I dine with you, you should probably be in my blogroll.
Does this mean you will actually add a friend of 20+ years now? Since your adding and all....
Nice to see that you are getting pretty much the whole family blogging.
I thought I was already on there? At any rate, thank you for the link.
Your whole family blogs. That is so nice! I love it.
Now that you're underemployed and its safe to venture out again due to the annual Cub swoon, me thinks a few cocktails may be in order with The Elk buying the first round.....
Evil Dictator-
I enjoyed participating in both polls.
I think you just email your questions to him, and then you answer them on your blog.
Thanks for lifting the veil-- I enjoyed your interview.
Speaking of the veil, did you know that "Get Smart" came out on DVD finally last year?
Idea of Progress-
Yes, I feel that way too!
It is done!
Yes, they are! Fun for the whole family!
Evil Genius-
Yes, you've been for a while-- thought I'd just make a public specacle of it...
You have no idea-- my in-laws were here this weekend and my stepdaughter got them blogging too!
Name the time!
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