Truth be told, I haven't checked the place out. The fact of the matter-- and I suspect I'm not alone in this in my neighborhood-- is that I can't get past the unfathomably idiotic name: "Paddy O'Splaine's." Sometimes, presentation is everything. And the name is a big part of the presentation.
I was reminded of a story that I've heard many times, and did a little research on it. Supposedly, when GM sold the Chevy Nova in Latin America, they had trouble-- that "Nova" sounds like "no va," which means "doesn't go" in Spanish. It's cited in textbooks and in marketing books as an example of cultural insensitivity and stupidity by marketers.

But I'm still not going to Paddy O'Splaine's.
What? You don't like Irish food?
Now if it was Paddy O'Spleens, you would have a winner of a restaurant!
I think my Spanish teacher kn 9th grade was the first person to tell me the "nova/no va" story. I have since told it to many people. I will now stop. I think Paddy O'Splaine's is kind of an awesome name. I say check it out.
I wish it would've been Paddy O'Furniture. That's just me. Carry on.
Paddy O'Splaine's? Gotta love it. Must have splained their brains coming up with that one ;->
I used to drive a Nova. I loved that car.
I really miss my 1978 Pontiac Catalina. Of course I also miss the $1.50 a gallon it cost to drive it back in 1987. . .
Im with Skylersdad - makes me think "spleen" which does nothing for my appetite.
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