About a month and a half ago, I bought an inexpensive, but reliable new Schwinn. It's been okay, but I had a couple of concerns. First, my college is in a high-crime area of Chicago, Uptown. I fear that a shiny new bike is too much of a temptation for thieves. The second was a matter of personal preference-- I liked the bike overall, but didn't like the wide "beach bike" handlebars of the new bike. I'll probably sell it.
About a year-and-a-half ago, the City of Chicago tried out a "blue bin" program in two neighborhoods, mine (North Center) and Austin, a neighborhood on the west side. The program was apparently a success; it's been expanded citywide.
Recently, the New York Times had an article on the city of Houston-- specifically how abysmally low the recycling rate is in Houston. Apparently, people in Houston look at it as some moronic sign of "independence" that they don't recycle.
The rates of recycling in major cities varies wildly, according to the statistics cited in the New York Times. Houston, with a 2.6% recycling rate (yes, that's 2.6%, not a typo) is the lowest, and San Francisco is the highest, with 69%. Chicago is high, but not the highest, with a 55.4% recycling rate.

In the National Geographic article, archeologists drilled cores and examined garbage from decades past. Old wrappers, newspapers and toys painted a picture of a different age.
One of the things that most people don't realize about landfills is that things do not decompose in them-- even things like paper and food, that normally decompose rapidly in nature. In the anaerobic environment of a landfill, they don't. Newspapers from the 1950's that the archeologists dug up were still readable. In a landfill, it doesn't matter whether it's durable plastic or aluminum or biodegradable paper or food-- It'll still be there in 1000 years. Landfill seems, then, to be a best a temporary solution and at worst, idiotic. In a thousand years, citizens, hopefully more enlightened than our current society, will look back on us and say "What the hell were those fools thinking?"

As I put the recycling out this morning, noticing that both bins are over half full-- we would have been overflowing by now if we hadn't gotten the second bin-- I wondered about my neighbors. I don't think that we produce any more garbage than other homes on the block. I think we're just a little more concientious about recycling.
There have been lots of changes in this household in the last year that eased our impact on the planet: much better insulation and windows, along with modern new furnaces and water heaters have drastically reduced the amount of natural gas we use in winter months. This has had an economic benefit; even though heating gas prices have more than doubled in the last few years, our monthly heating bills have gone down, sometimes by a factor of half. I wonder how in the hell I was able to pay $400 peak monthly heating bills back when it was just Adam and I.
Reading the package of the set of CFB's I bought at Costco a couple of weeks ago, I discovered that each bulb installed keeps an amazing 720 pounds of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere over the life of the bulb. The bulbs use less than a quarter of the electricity to provide the same amount of light as an incandescent bulb.
One thing to remember with these bulbs, though, is not to throw them in the garbage. They contain mercury, which is about as toxic as lead. Home Depot, True Value Hardware and other retailers will take these in for recycling.
Big bonus-- it has an icemaker!
With the new/old car, the bike and the second bin, along with the beautiful greenery in our backyard pulling carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, we're doing pretty well here. We're not saving the planet all by ourselves, but as Chinese leader Mao said, "A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step."
Hey, anybody want to take a step? I've got a nice new Schwinn I'll sell for a good price.
Gah! If I lived closer I would definitely take that Schwinn off your hands! Good for you doing great things for the environment. I do much of the same, and this Dallasite would love to have a stern talk with Houston!
Congrats on going greener. I only wish more folks were as concerned about it nationwide (besides as it pertains to their wallets). Like Andi, I live in Tx and to say that most of these people hereabouts don't give a fuck is a gross understatement. They just don't believe in it because they've bought the GOP's 'the science isn't in' bullshit over the last twenty-five years. It's shameful, stupid and despairing.
Dude, you're so earth friendly. Way to go.
Plus the more earth-friendly you become, the more write-offs you can get from the IRS!
Good work all around on going green. I remember as a young boy growing up in our small mountain town, everyone had 3 or 4 trash cans in the alley. Everything went in the cans, then was burned! After several burnings, the trash cans were picked up by the trash truck and taken to the dump (not landfill) where the entire dump was burned again on a weekly basis!
Lots of smoke back in those days...
And about the lead with the Romans, I just watched a Discovery show about an expedition to find a water route through the Arctic in the 1800's by 3 ships. They were well prepared for getting trapped in the ice for a winter if needed, by taking along tons of food stored in metal cans, sealed shut with lead solder! Most of the crew slowly went insane and wandered off into the arctic to die.
"It ain't easy being green" isn't quite as true as it used to be, is it? We've had the blue bins for years now and we've started now with green bins for kitchen garbage. The only problem with those is the raccoons and their nimble little hands being able to open them and make a mess. I'm not sure if you read Tanya's horror story about that.
Great points on how how future generations will look back and wonder what the hell we were up to.
i think it is great -- i wish i could do more......
we do recycle and people in the building are pretty good about it
the problem is still the untold amount of poison gas spewed by cars
ps -- i often walk to work
I tell everyone that I work from home because it costs me $80 to fill up my Touareg. Now my tank lasts a long time but I use more energy at the house.
I like all the decorations on your fridge!
Congratulations on all the changes! Biking to work isn't practical for me--it's a 9 mile ride, but only a couple miles of that route is bike-friendly, and late at night I'd be at the mercy of crazy drivers.
We love our recycling program. We put out almost twice as much recycling as we do garbage. I think next year we're going to start composting more food waste as well.
Great post!
I totally pimped my bike out earlier this summer, which basically meant I got a better seat and put some anti-theft components on the bike so I can ride it to the store and worry a little less about someone taking the thing. San Francisco has a great recycling rate in part because they make it really easy to recycle. Where we lived in San Bruno, we had three separate bins that were clearly marked as to what we could put in them. We filled all three every week. Our sad recycle bin here is always overflowing, but I guess that is a good sign. I am happier everyday that I bought a small car last time we purchased. I laugh out loud when I see what those SUVs are paying to fill up.
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