Last night, as we watched Barack Obama's phenomenal nomination acceptance speech at work, we all expressed the hope that he and Biden can squeak out a victory in November. With this morning's news that "Maverick" McCain had chosen first-term Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, he's made it much more likely that Obama and Biden can win. First, in choosing an militantly anti-choicer, he is sending all the women who threatened to vote for McCain because Clinton didn't get the nomination running back to the Democratic Party. And secondly, in choosing a woman, he's alienating the sexist male neanderathals who are, lets face it, at the core of the Party of Old White Guys. Thanks John!
I had not heard it was official, this is indeed good news!
Nice move, McCain! The lines have now been firmly drawn.
He picked her because she digs old guys who play the POW card incessantly.
Certainly a Hail Mary throw . . .
GObama-Biden! To electoral victory over the neo-Confederacy!
i love how the republican "elders" really think women are that stupid to fall for the new coke trick
karl rove has so lost his touch.....
I hope it backfires on him although I have to say I was completely blown away when W got back in a second time. Here's hoping.
I've had a strong feeling all along that Obama will win regardless.
Interesting thing is that this election is going to be especially historic because it's going to place either a racial minority or a woman in the white house.
I agree that she was a poor choice. Republicans just want to drill for oil in Alaska. They are just using her for her femininity, too. She's no Hillary.
This is my humble opinion, he only picked her to get more women to vote for him! Just to show he believes in womens rights!
Skyler's Dad-
It was true. And today I heard about her daughter. I'll be commenting on that in a post.
They have indeed.
I promise you that I'll do all within my power not to have a bad US president inflicted on the rest of the world.
Wow, McCain was a POW? I hadn't heard that in five or six minutes.
It certainly is.
Any woman who votes for McCain deserves her as a VP.
She really is a trojan horse, isn't she?
It was certainly depressing, wasn't it?
My gut feeling is that Obama is a lot more wily a campaigner than Kerry. He won't allow himself to be swiftboated.
I certainly hope you're right.
Yes, it is interesting. I wonder who McCain would have picked if Clinton had gotten the nomination.
That took me a minute to get!
Absolutely. The package doesn't matter-- she's still a scumsucking conservative.
Yes, it was a pretty calculated move, wasn't it?
Skyler's Dad-
It was true. And today I heard about her daughter. I'll be commenting on that in a post.
They have indeed.
I promise you that I'll do all within my power not to have a bad US president inflicted on the rest of the world.
Wow, McCain was a POW? I hadn't heard that in five or six minutes.
It certainly is.
Any woman who votes for McCain deserves her as a VP.
She really is a trojan horse, isn't she?
It was certainly depressing, wasn't it?
My gut feeling is that Obama is a lot more wily a campaigner than Kerry. He won't allow himself to be swiftboated.
I certainly hope you're right.
Yes, it is interesting. I wonder who McCain would have picked if Clinton had gotten the nomination.
That took me a minute to get!
Absolutely. The package doesn't matter-- she's still a scumsucking conservative.
Yes, it was a pretty calculated move, wasn't it?
Who cares!?
Obviously you do, LOL
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