Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why hasn't someone snapped this one up?

I try to bring my stepdaughter to the library every Tuesday; she loves books, and I've learned, with both of my kids, that to know they'll consistently get to do something they love is important.

We missed going today, for various reasons, but I had to share this, which I saw in our last visit a couple of weeks ago. In the lobby of the library, there's a stand of "discard" books that can be purchased, 25 cents for a softcover, 50 cents for a hardcover.

I can't understand why the book on using Wordstar wasn't moving-- it was only a quarter!


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I just finished one on Fortran. Oh wait, no I didn't.

LegalMist said...

I used the WordStar program when I used a computer to write a paper in college for the very first time. I had to admit it was a *lot* easier than writing everything out longhand and then having it typed up, or even typing from an outline / notes, on my electric typewriter with one whole line of memory. I remember being fascinated with the ability to insert text, and to move whole sentences around. Awesome things, computers!

I guess I sound like a dinosaur...

dmarks said...

Maybe you can read something more up to date? Like one of those many books from 1999 that I saw on Amazon.com about how Y2k will destroy civilization.

Mnmom said...

Did they have a copy of "Pong for Dummies"?

bubbles said...

Hahaha! That's funny. Look how thick it is! Today software is crap if you have to look at a manual.