The turnout was great. When I got there, Bubs was already there, with MizBubs, as were TenS and Mr. TenS, Chris, Megan and a handful of other bloggers. We were soon joined by Spotchy, as well as Bubbles, Kristi and Vikki, along with their father.
Soon, Grant Miller showed up, and we started wondering when Lulu was going to show up; there were a couple of us who knew that she was bringing a couple of secret guest-- two, actually. She finally showed up with Coaster Punchman and his amor, Poor George.
I've commented before on some guys study a year or two ago claiming that bloggers were an anti-social, misanthropic bunch. There was no evidence of that last night, as the pictures will tell.
Vikki, Kristi and Bubs took a moment to honor Presidential Candidate/Blogger Dr. Monkerstein...
...and Bubs and Grant Miller became the most popular bloggers in the universe when they bought the table a round!
It was great seeing Bubs and MizBubs, who have become good friends of Kim and I, as well as Grant Miller, Chris, Megan, Lulu, TenS, Mr. TenS. It was also great meeting Kristi, Vikki, Bubbles and Splotchy. And the drinks at the Hala Kaliki were delicious-- all in all, a great night!
To express both my excitement and be topical: w00t!
It was great meeting you in person too, and I recognized you the second you walked in. It kind of made me feel like a stalker.
P.S. I look like I am saying something really important in that picture, but really I was probably just yapping about lipstick or something.
I am beside myself with jealousy becauase I was not there to meet some of my favorite bloggers. You kids rock. One of these days I'll be there and then we'll get that party REALLY started.
Dang it! Wish I coulda been there to say hi, I am glad somebody finally posted about the shingig!
It was a good time! Good summary, too!
I'm sitting at Midway collecting SWA credits by volunteering to take the next flight (happened twice so far). So far I have over $1000 in flight dollars.
This next one is the last one for the night... if they offer lodging I'm staying. What the heck... the kids and I could use a trip!
What a swell time! The only thing that would've made it better would be if I didn't have to spend the first hour on and off the phone, and didn't have to be at work in the morning. Still...
What a cool cast of characters, man! Nice job on being so stealthy with the camera.
Now that's a party!
Poor George and I will pretend our lack of an honorable mention was merely an oversight. Oh, and we never got a chance to finish our conversation about British bloggers - we must resume that! :)
Oh, I see we were mentioned after all. You must forgive me, I am on drugs. Or wish I were.
they sure know how to party in Chicago...........
looks like fun, wish i could have bought a round for all of you!
Thanks to Miller and Bubs for the round. I'm still in a sugar coma.
Damn, I wish I could've been there. Next time, if there is one! Glad you all had a good time!
Samurai, we missed you!
GKL, MizBubs and I stopped for a greasy hotdog and fries to soak up some of the sugar and rum on the drive home, and then I drank about 6 glasses of water to try and even out before I went to sleep.
What a fab night! Thanks for posting the pics. See you soon at the local watering hole.
Looks like a great time. I toyed with the idea of stopping by but left it too long and it would have been much more expensive flying in just for a joke than a round which I would have gladly bought so many blog luminaries. Happy New Year!
What a fabulous time yas had. I wish I was able to attend. How very festive.
Well, fuck. How did I miss this?
So that is where Miller has been. Sloughing about again, I see.
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