This afternoon, while working on my presentation for my Biology class, I got a text message from Bubs, who, as those who faithfully read his blog know, was in Las Vegas today, running the Las Vegas Marathon in full gold lame Elvis regalia. He included this picture of, in his words, his "post race hillbilly breakfast." My god, that man is my hero.
That's exaclty what I need this a.m. Plus some strong coffee :->
That is exactly the type of breakfast that I want to eat after a night a drinking. After a marathon is a much better reason.
This is one hillbilly who knows how to eat. I always make sure to have a snack before I swing by the compound because he always puts up the most scrumptious sounding meals and drinks, but you have to be careful not to get too full cause it might be "animal attacks" day or "random pervert" day.
Good Luck Bubs!
Dammit, he must have sent me the same pic on my phone yesterday, but I didn't see the accompanying message, and didn't know what the hell it was!
Not that I don't mind getting random pics of hillbilly food now and then.
Thanks, Mr. Yen, for clearing up this mystery for me!
But what is that? Squirrel?
Can someone please make that for me while I am home? It looks like there is a lot of pork on that plate and I haven't had any in months. (Bacon, yes, sausage, no)
That is so gross Brian.
Please don't make that.
What the hell is that anyway? I've looked at it from every angle, and that's not something found in nature.
I'm reminded of a line from "Oh Heavenly Dog" sprach by the vox of Chevy Chase when he was reincarnated as a dog and fed dog food.
EAT it? I wouldn't even SIT in it!!
I wonder if it has live insect larvae that jump out at your eyes? There's something suspicious climbing the side of th' plate to th' right...
I'll have what he's having. Wait, make mine a double.
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I think it is eggs benedict with a side of biscuits and gravy. I'm with Dr. MVM, make mine a double. That's good eatin'!
I'm home and rested up, and feeling pretty damn good.
That was country fried steak (no possum on the menu) with sausage gravy, three eggs over easy, fried potatoes. I had consumed two delicious beers at the NYNY not long before this so I didn't stop in the fabulous Fireside Lounge in the back of the coffee shop.
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