It's snowing up a storm here in Chicago. I'm hoping it doesn't interfere with my get-together tonight with old friend Larry Smith at the Hopleaf. We've been friends since we were next-door neighbors in Taylor Hall at Eastern Illinois University. I attended the "Last Episode of MASH" party that he and his roommate held in 1983.

1. Smoke From a Distant Fire- Sanford-Townsend Band
2. Adult Books- X
3. No More, No More- Aerosmith
4. Bad Is Bad- Huey Lewis and the News
5. A Certain Girl- Warren Zevon
6. Whole Lotta Rosie- AC/DC
7. Fixing A Hole- The Beatles
8. It's Too Late To Turn Back Now- The Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose
9. Man In Black- Johnny Cash
10. Let's Go- The Cars
1. Sweet little One-Hit Wonder from 1977 that's a tale of betrayal and heartbreak, like all good One-Hit Wonders are.
2. From X's first album that came out, believe it or not, in the seventies.
3. My favorite Aerosmith song.
4. A 1984 hit for the biggest man in the music business.
5. From Bad Luck Streak In Dancing School.
6. There's a great scene with this song in the movie Detroit Rock City, when one of the film's heroes rescues a woman from two thugs.
7. From Sgt. Pepper.
8. One of two hits these guys had-- the other was Treat Her Like a Lady.
9. Johnny Cash explaining his wardrobe.
10. This one was a hit the summer of '79, when I graduated high school. The Cars commissioned Edgar Vargas, who did paintings for Playboy to do the cover.
I'm sure that snow is headed my way, just over the lake from Chicago. You've made me realize that I haven't copied our X CD collection into iTunes yet. I've got to get on that!
i love hopleaf...but i hate beer. go figure. hey, how 'bout that huey lewis? eh? eh?
That is one of Aerosmith's greatest songs. That's a great Cars tune too. That album cover used to make my pants tight when I was a young lad.
Yarr, I leave me mark!!
So, The storm followed me here from Minnesota, sorry.
Did you have the mussels at Hopleaf? God they're good!
I remember that Cars tune being quite appropriate as I was leaving the Navy that year.
Smoke from a Distant Fire -- priceless yesteryear . . . . .
Happy New YEar!!!
I always regret going to that free Huey Lewis concert.
The Cars were such a fun band!
Happy New Year, Johnny!
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