Yesterday, after the game, a bunch of kids and parents went to see one of my son's teammate play at the Abbey Pub in Chicago. He goes to the real "School of Rock," based on the movie. The kids were amazing. Their show featured the songs of Led Zeppelin.
The kids ranged widely in age. One little guy was holding a guitar as big as he was. They sounded better than some grown-up bands I've heard.
They played a range of Zeppelin's material, from the first to the last album-- "Good Times, Bad Times," "The Ocean," "Rock and Roll," and a bunch more-- about 25 songs. And they finished of course, with "Stairway to Heaven."
Sounds like a blast, I had no idea that the film was based in any sort of real school.
I had no idea there was a real school of rock either. How utterly cool!
What name were they going by?
It was a lot of fun. I'd heard of the school fairly recently.
My son is such a rocker, it's funny. I don't know if you remember my recent post of his comment, trying to imagine a world without Deep Purple's "Smoke On the Water." He couldn't do it.
Isn't it?
No name-- just "The School of Rock Plays Led Zeppelin."
They're doing the Doors and Black Sabbath soon. I might have to check out the Doors one.
I would get a kick out of a ten year old singing "Riders On The Storm".
Then again, I would get a kick out of a lot of different people singing that song. Elmer Fudd, for example.
With So many choices, they make the poor kids play the most overrrated band in rock history, the absolute rubbish Shite of Zep?!? Sounds like a rabid case of child abuse to me...
I'll wager that the instructors FM radio broke down and he was having Led Zep withdrawl so he tortured the kids into playing that crap.
Q. Why should you be glad when Chicago FM radio plays a Led Zep song?
A. Because now you won't have to listen to another Led Zep song for a whole 10 minutes....
I'll also wager that the kid playing guitar played it a hell of a lot better than Jimmy "Fat Sausage fingers" Page.....
Wow. I wonder how long ago they had to ask, "Who's Led Zeppelin?"
It's just like Geddy Lee to post anonymously.
Go back to Canada, freak!
A Black Sabbath show?!? Awesome! Tell me when the tickets go on sale. Flannery and I will get away and we will go to the show together. My littlest loves it when her mommy rocks out on guitar hero and plays her favorites: "War Pigs", "Bark at the Moon", and Motely Crue's "Shout at the Devil", but she always insistes on Joan Jett's "I love Rock and Roll" for the encore.
She has to have her mother play them, as I am non-musical and I don't even play the radio well, but at least I know all the words and can sing along.
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