Which famous feline are you?

You're Hobbes. First of all, the makers of this quiz would like to congratulate you. You have our seal of approval. You are kind, intelligent, loving, and good-humoredly practical. You're proud of who you are. At the same time, you're tolerant of those who lack your clearsightedness. You're always playful, but never annoying. For these traits, you are well-loved, and with good cause.
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My son, who loves Calvin and Hobbes, will be very pleased about this.
I'm the Pink Panther!
I'm Tigger. "Playful and fun-loving, you enjoy hanging out with friends even though you don't always have to be the center of attention. You're never pessimistic or sluggish. Your enthusiasm is at once endearing and over-the-top. You're the quintessential extrovert."
I have a friend that gave me one of those bouncy tigger dolls because he said it reminded him of me. Freaky.
I'm Tigger too. Pretty freaking accurate, huh?
That, Mr. Yen, is a silly quiz. Of course I am Tigger. If you pick a long springy tail, you are pretty much Tigger. I don't think too much thought was put into that one.
The mythical one is much more accurate. I am Pegasus.
We know that you are Zeus.
I didn't pick the long springy tail; I picked stripes. I think it is mystical and magical.
I'm Tigger...I think there was a mistake.
Odd. It told me I was Cat Stevens.
I'm a Hobbes, too. A big mansion in the city sounds pretty good to me . . . Mayor of Detroit!
By the mythical version, I also got Pegasus. And instead of a mansion, I'm living in a castle. Actually it's more like a bunker.
Why the fuck am I Sylvester?
Am I really the Pink Panther?
Saw the quiz and had to take it, seeing as how I am part cat. :}
Cat Man Do.
I'm Tigger! Yay!
I'm the Pink Panther. I hate pink!
I'm Hobbes too!
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