"How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam. How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"
-- John Kerry, April 23, 1971 before the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee
"Maybe if we started listening, history would stop repeating itself"-- Lily Tomlin
I'm guessing that there are a few Americans who want a Mulligan on their 2004 vote. At least I hope so.
And now you've entered Somalia. What a bloody quagmire we've managed to find ourselves.
Kerry is a smart man, even with that hair.
It pains me to admit this, Kristi, but all of us guys had that hair in 1971, even ten year olds.
That's a pretty hardhitting post and so full of truth. I guess the do-overs we get in life aren't always the ones we counted on.
How f*cked up is it that 42 year olds can join the army now? I mean, come ON. They just changed the rules so that National Guard and Reserve troops can be deployed more...and for what. Good lord.
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