It's just that I really just wanted to let it quietly pass-- to let it be a quiet step on the trudge to 50. I mentioned in yesterday's post-- friends joking about me even making it to 30. I did some things when I was younger that were unbelievably stupid. I'm lucky--and glad-- to be here.
It's the thought that counts, right?
I got two more gifts at work; a coworker who is one of my oldest friends gave me a Napolean Dynamite mousepad, and then we dismissed the handful of kids who were there, and went home a little after 11 am.

When I walked into the restaurant, I thought of my friend Mark. I remembered running into him, having dinner with Eric, another friend of ours from college, at the Star of India one night 5 or 6 years ago.
It'll be a year since he died, in a few weeks. While the grief has become more manageable, I still miss him terribly. I was really missing him on my birthday. Of all of my friends, he was the one I pictured being old with, hanging around, talking about history, politics, the universe-- all the things we talked about over the years.
In the end, I found myself not so much sad, as thankful for the time I had with him in his short life.
After lunch, I ran home for a while. My physician had asked me to call her on Friday to get the results of routine blood tests she'd ordered up last Saturday. It was all great news. My cholesterol is still really low-- 180. My good cholesterol was good, my bad cholesterol was low, my blood sugar was very good (diabetes runs rampant on both sides of my family)-- and all the parts-- liver, kidneys, etc., are working properly. Riveting information, I know. But it was some welcome good news. For all the silly things I've done in this life, I've always made sure to eat healthily. It's good that in middle age, it's paying off. It was a nice little birthday present.
We got to the batting cages, but the wind was gusting so badly, they were closed. Instead, we had dinner-- Chinese food, of course-- and a great conversation. One of his gems in the course of the conversation was about something being "fair and balanced-- you know, the real fair and balanced-- not the Fox News version."
After dinner, we went to see my stepdaughter perform in a recital with the kids in her afterschool program, and went home to a quiet birthday celebration.

Later on, Adam and I stayed up to watch Letterman. Even Letterman was cooperating in making my birthday great: he had my very favorite comedian, Jake Johansen, on.
As it turned out, there was one more little gift.

I remembered the last time I'd seen him-- Dobie and I, who were rooming together in Chicago, had driven down to see Kringle. We went to a Cubs/Cardinals game. It was an adventure, because I was still in a cast up to my knee from the stupidest thing I've ever done. More on that another time.
I'm happy to say it was Kringle. He emailed me late Friday night.
I realized later that if I hadn't started blogging, we might not have found one another again.
As I went off to bed Friday night, I reflected on the day and the year. My friend Mike used to have a tagline on his email I loved. I can't remember who he was quoting, but the quote was "Do you want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans."
We spend our lives planning, and yet in the end life throws us unexpected curves. Some of those curves are bad, yes, but so many of them are good. The detours, I've come to realize, are as good or better than the original destinations.
In thinking of my day, I also thought of an old Elton John song, "Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters, which I'd heard for the first time when I saw Cameron Crowe's movie "Almost Famous." It had a lovely little line I quoted at my wedding, one that sums up my life:
"And I thank the Lord for the people I have found
I thank the Lord for the people I have found"
What a nice Birthay day. I'm always a little meloncholy on mine, thinking about things that have changed or passed, but it sounds like you were able to do that and still have a wonderful day.
Jake Johannsen is my favorite comic. I had the chance to hang out with him about 12 years ago when I was living in SF and he was performing there. He's really sweet, rather quiet, and not as dark and depressing as most comics are in person.
what an enjoyable post (as usual). Sounds like it was a wonderful birthday.
It is so darn wonderful to have people around you that you know know you, isn't it?
I also related so well to the idea of the 'journey' not ever being how it was planned. Yes indeed, people plan - God laughs!
Great post!
What a lovely family and group of friends you have to make your day so very special. You really are blessed, and the best part is that you realize this.
Happy belated Birthday to you!Good that you had a great day with your favorite pecan pies and wonderful presents.You'll find some birthday gifts ideas in my blog too. Have a great day!
That sounds like a great birthday. I'm glad you had a good time being with the people you love. And that "Roadside Americana" book is great.
Hey JY, that was really great to hear about your special day. It's nice that your friends know you so well, and I love the button about removing your soul. I am totally stealing that!
What a rich life you lead - raising two intuitive kids, touching the lives of other kids, and having such a great support system of wife and friends. No wonder you're still here.
No mention of the Pat boone 'Yes I Can" album?
You ungrateful bastard!
I fondly remember you most stupid moment....It brought a horselaugh back then and still brings a chuckle today......
What a great day. Thanks for sharing it.
That sounds like an awesome birthday. A pie and a cake? What could be better? Oh, awesome presents, which you got as well. Not to mention a Lego empire state building, Indian Food, and old friends. Awesome.
What a wonderful family you have...especially your wife.
You, Mr. Yen, are a lucky man!
Sounds like a great birthday to me. Mine is New Year's Eve so I don't know what it feels like to have a birthday on just an ordinary day. Sounds kind of peaceful actually.
Everything came together perfectly it sounds like Johnny. Glad it was so great.
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