One of my favorite scenes in the movie is when a skinny high school guy is getting roughed up by a couple of high jock/jerks. Napolean's best friend Pedro, who is running an unlikely campaign to become class President, walks up to him afterward and declares "You are now under the protection of Pedro."
Pedro is as skinny and even smaller than Napolean, and one was left to wonder how in the hell Pedro was going to protect him.
Later in the movie, the same jerks are about to hassle the kid again, out by the high school's bike racks. Suddenly a couple of menacing-looking cholos pull up in a low-rider, glare at the bullies and quietly shake their heads "no." The bullies prudently back off.
I thought of Pedro today.

In any event, I was enjoying it so much, I left the keys in ignition and kept the door open and the stereo blasting as I gassed up. As I did this, a group of three teenaged girls approached the gas station. I didn't pay much attention to them except for the fact that they seemed a little overdressed for a Saturday morning, wearing dowdy dresses.

I wondered for a second why they hadn't tried to hand me one, and then realized-- it was the punk music blaring from my car stereo.
Rock on, Dictators! Protect me from religious zealotry!
My guess is they saw you in your Elvis Hitler T Shirt and figured you were a lost cause......
You should have approached them...Good Chance they could have been followers of our good buddy Rev Jed Smock....Found this on YouTube: Brother Jed Talking About Boobies.....
Well not only does Handsome Dick Manitoba have a hell of a great moniker, part of which he shares with the province in which I grew up, making him by default a close personal friend of mine, but he makes the world safe for good honest people to listen to punk without being harassed by the Jesus freaks. Right on, Dick!
Speaking of the MC5 ...
Complete MC5 link...
My brother, when religious types used to show up at his doorstep, would go to the door in his tighty whitey jockey shorts and a gun belt and ask what they wanted. They never stayed to chat.
Glad to hear your system works as well, and is far simpler.
What does that have to do with Pedro? I don't get it.
My father worked with guy that he bought a "Watchtower" subscription. Just to be a nice guy; we got those damn things for a year, and my mom was so embarrassed.
The Dictators Go Girl Crazy is one of the best freaking album covers ever.
I'm also reminnded of a great quote from Handsome in the book "Please Kill Me", about when the Dictators were on a tour supporting Kiss.
Kiss ended up getting pissed off enough at him that they called Handsome a "Fat Fonzie", which he took to be the highest compliment.
I actually chatted up the singer for Elvis Hitler when I saw them at the Exit one night. Nice guy.
I miss brother Jed. He was entertaining.
Sirius radio is worth getting just for his show! He'd great.
I'm dying to see that movie-- I hope it gets released.
I like your brother's system.
When I was in college, rooming with several friends one summer, we saw a couple of bible-thumpers headed our way. We quickly made signs with "666" and a pentagram and taped them to our door. It didn't work-- they still rang our doorbell.
Just goes to show that I have the nicest father-in-law in the world. I don't know how his daughter turned out so mean.
Several people have quoted that book-- I might have to get it.
My ex-wife Cynthia ended up sitting behind Kiss on an airline flight when she was younger-- they were big nobodies at the time (1988 or so), but they still were full of themselves, she said. I'm glad Dick pissed them off.
Johnny--I think TenS has my copy of that book. I'll lend it to you if she does.
Came to comment on the post and the exchange between Kim and you cracked me up!!!
Back to my comment...
I thought that "thall shall not judge" ???? Guess I missed something in my little (very little) amount of churching.... I mean, didn't *they* have their own version of Pedro on their side???
I'm not mean Brian. I didn't understand the reference.
Now I understand it.
Am I still mean? Sheesh.
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