Glenn roomed with his friend Kevin Fowler. I'd met Glenn and Kevin at the same time I'd met my old friend Dobie, living on the 4th floor of Carmen Hall at Eastern Illinois University in 1981.
Eventually Glenn and Kevin moved off campus and into an apartment. Their apartment became the party place. It was a rare month that went by without a party at their apartment on 4th Street in Charleston.

One of the things Glenn and Kevin really liked were my mix tapes (holy Rob Gordon, Batman!). My aunt had given me a treasure trove of old '45's, and so I'd combine those with my large collection of lp's to make kickass mix tapes. They would borrow my tapes and use their tape to tape decks to edit their own mix tapes from mine. These were usually the soundtracks to their parties. What they would usually do is put MTV on the television, but turn the sound down, and instead play the mix tapes they'd made from my music.
On April 1, 1984, we were gathered at Glenn and Kevin's for an impromptu party. We'd all just returned that day from Spring Break. As the party started rolling, and people started arriving, Glenn and Kevin did their usual, turning on MTV, turning down the sound and putting on one of the mix tapes they'd made from my music collection.
At some point, we noticed a news message scrolling across the bottom of the screen. We focused in on it-- this was tornado country and tornado season, and it might be something we needed to know.

The song playing on the tape at that moment was Marvin Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar."
Do you ever get the feeling that God is speaking to you though your radio?
Wow, ain't that peculiar indeed?
It's still shocking about Marvin Gaye's murder.
Ironic, indeed!
Great story!
Having never particularly been a fan of soul music in my youth, I only recently learned about Marvin Gaye's strange murder via an E Channel show about Hollywood murders and scandals.
So I was quite surprised to hear about your own ironic moment so soon after even becoming aware of what happened to him myself.
Plus, I'm a sucker for a stroy about mixtapes.
Ah, youth.
That is peculiar for sure. Are mixed tapes a thing of the past? I too have fond memories of the days before Itunes and CDs.
At the exact moment I read this I was thinking about ordering a Keg and 6 bottles of tequila!
Coincidence? I think not...
Wow, peculiar is one way to put it. Creepy is another.
I loved his version of the "Star Spangled Banner." The best. Ever.
Strange circumstances, very very strange.
Question: Is Steve Miller related to Glen Miller?
Mmmmm.... tequila.
You make me nostalgic for mix tapes. This digital stuff is just too easy.
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