Instead, I thought I'd have a hand at a meme that I saw on Bubs' blog.
What was the first recorded music you bought?

Hotel California- The Eagles
The Best of the Doobie Brothers- Doobie Brothers
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars- David Bowie.
I still have the Eagles record.

I was inspired by a post from Bubs to finally get the cd of "A Vision Shared," a fundraiser for Folkways, now owned by the Smithsonian. It's got covers of Woody Guthrie and Leadbelly songs by a bunch of great artists-- Bob Dylan, Little Richard, John Mellencamp, Brian Wilson, Sweet Honey In the Rock, Pete Seeger, etc.
What was the first "professional" music show you ever went to?
The summer of 1977, I was 16 and went to the first installment of "The Superbowl of Rock," in Soldier's Field. The line-up was the Climax Blues Band, Foghat, J. Geils Band and Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Foghat and Geils were incredible. My friend's father was afraid to be downtown after dark (it seemed a lot of people in Western Springs were that way) and we missed ELP, who were performing with a full orchestra.
Maybe that was an omen: that was the height of pompous, overblown "progressive rock," and within a year, I started getting into punk (see next question).

Sunday night, April 15, Iggy and the Stooges. They were godhead.
What's your "desert island" album?
I'd be hard-pressed to choose between The Clash's "London Calling" and Bob Dylan's "Highway 61 Revisited." I'd probably end up choosing the Clash.
What's your favorite album/song title? (the *title* which is your fav, not the actual album or song)
Favorite album title- "What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits" by the Doobie Brothers.
Favorite song title- (I'm Gonna Start) Living Again If It Kills Me- Dave Edmunds
What's your favorite album art (include an image of it if you can)?
A tie.

BTW, a few years back, they released a limited run of the cd with working zippers.

Ideal choice for a karaoke song?
My favorite to do is Tony Bennett's "I Left My Heart In San Francisco," but everyone else likes when I do "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" by The Looking Glass.
Song you don't like that WILL NOT LEAVE YOUR HEAD if you hear it.
Afternoon Delight by the Starland Vocal Band.
Which is cooler? -- Vinyl? CD? Cassette? 8-track?
I loved vinyl, but have finally succumbed to cd's-- they take a lot less room and are so much easier to handle.
The first record I bought was at woolworths, a 45 I think it was the Hermans Hermits, I can't remember if the title was Hush All over this World or what it was. But it def was the Herman's Hermits. Music was not something I listened too. My dad was always in charge of the TV and radio so we had to listen to what he liked. Johnny Cash, Kingston Trio, and an Irish Band I can't remember the name. We listened alot to the 78's my great grandfather left my dad. I loved Peter and the Wolf.
My kids download music for me from Itunes. I really like Dave Matthews.
8 tracks are def. cooler. Lots of memories with those. Riding in the automobile with the boyfriend and listening to the 8 track tapes.
Oh, man. Now it's in my head.
Man, look at you with all the proper photos of the albums and all, I would post on my blog, but it would be so lame in comparison!
First one I bought: American Pie by Don McLean.
Last: Indigo Girls, Rarities
First show: Deep Purple during Machine head tour.
Last: Trout Fishing In America benefit concert for special needs kids.
Desert Island: Harry Chapins Greatest Stories Live.
Song Title: I can't get over you, so you'll have to get up and answer the phone yourself.
Karaoke: If I could pull it off, Bohemian Rhapsody!
8 tracks have so many good memories, there are still old songs I hear expecting to wait for the track change in the middle of the song!
Please promise me you'll talk to me before you dump vinyl. I refuse to dump mine and would be happy to take on some more! The Superbowl of Rock? Wow. I was still several years away from my first show. I also loved Foghat in the '70's. I had a black t-shirt with Foghat written on it in rainbow glitter letters. Remember all the old t-shirt shops? I dressed in black t-shirts, jerseys and tight jeans for the better part of a decade.
I always get teased when people here Brandy on my iPod. Fuck 'em, I love that song.
Great choices all...a couple Dylan records almost made my desert island list.
What happened to Ziggy Stardust?
Like your cover choices. Zipper still works on my Stones album. I had them both though through the years I lost Whipped Cream somewhere.
My brother snatches up every Stones "Their Satanic Majesties Request" cover because of the holographic like art square.
BTW, I had tickets to see Herb at McCormick Place the day it burnt down.
The concert was moved to the opera house.(we followed them because of school band)
First music that I bought: Monday Monday or California Dreaming 45 single.
First album: Paul Revere and the Raiders (did they have more than one? Don't remember the name).
Last one: Decemberists The Crane Wife.
Woolworth's! My, I miss those.
Was the Irish band the Clancy Brothers?
I loved Herman's Hermits when I was a kid.
Imagine being around when it was a hit. It was like nails on a chalkboard, three times an hour. And then they got a tv show, a summer replacement.
Skyler's Dad-
Nice list!
Wasn't "Sniper" on that album? I was thinking about that song Monday when they were making the comparisons to Charles Whitman.
RE the eight tracks: the funniest thing was Dark Side of the Moon on eight track. It's a conceptual album that's chronological. The eight-track made complete hash of it.
My 13 year old son loves American Pie, and Weird Al Yankovich's spoof, "Bye, Bye Mr. Annikan Guy," which combines one of his favorite songs with one of his favorite movie series, Star Wars.
My son has discovered the novelty song. God help us all.
I'll let you sift through before I cart them off to the used store. There are a few gems in there.
Hey, the song's got it all-- a beatiful barmaid, the sea, unrequited romance, all sung by guys in bad '70's haircuts-- what more could anyone want in a song?
With Dylan, it's hard to pick, isn't it? Blonde on Blonde? Blood on the Tracks? Bringin' It All Back Home? Even some of his later stuff-- Time out of Mind is great.
I traded it in college, along with another album for the Clash's London Calling-- my original copy had disappeared. I finally got the cd of Ziggy Stardust a few months ago.
I was just talking about McCormick place burning down the other day. I happened to drive by it on the way to a teacher seminar last Friday. That was some month-- it happened the same month as the three Apollo astronauts were burned up in their capsule, and the Superstorm-- the snowstorm of '67.
My aunt (my mother's youngest sister) gave me all her 45's when I was in college. I used them to good effect, making killer mix tapes that people loved. She tried to give me the Satanic Majesty album, which had the 3-D cover, and I told her I couldn't take it-- it's somewhat of a rarity.
Have you ever seen "Plastercaster," about supergroupie Cynthia Plastercaster, a Chicagoan? She recounts losing her virginity to Paul Revere and the Raiders' singer Mark Lindsay in his hotel room in the Congress.
I can't believe you are getting rid of your vinyl. I love albums. CDs have gone the way of the mp3 player but I'll still put on a record.
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