We finished up early, so I've got enought time to post my Friday the 13th Random 10 and run off to my son's first baseball practice of the season.

1. Freeze-frame- J. Geils Band
2. Do You Wanna Touch Me?- Gary Glitter
3. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry- Johnny Cash
4. Life In the Fast Lane- The Eagles
5. Enter Sandman- Pat Boone
6. That Girl- Stevie Wonder
7. Standin'- Townes Van Zandt
8. Suspicious Minds- Elvis Presley
9. Typical Girls- The Slits
10. No Feelings- The Sex Pistols
1. In the first edition of Dave Marsh's "Rock Book of Lists," J. Geils Band, which had been around since the late '60's, was in the list of great bands that have never had a #1 hit. Of course, within a year of the book's publication, they had a #1 with "Centerfold," from the Freeze-frame album-- and then broke up. The title track was my favorite from that album.
2. Joan Jett later had a hit with this one in the early eighties. This song has grim irony now for Gary Glitter.
3. A great Cash cover of the Hank Williams classic.
4. Hotel California was one of the first records I ever bought with my own money (along with The Best of the Doobie Brothers and David Bowies' "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars."
5. From Boone's hilarious "In a Metal Mood" cd, where he does covers of various rock and metal classics.
6. This was one of the last songs before Stevie Wonder started sucking.
7. Townes Van Zandt has been around forever, and I just started listening to him. Wish I'd started sooner.
8. I've loved this song since I was a kid. The Fine Young Cannibals did a great cover on their first album.
9. From the "No Thanks!" box set of 1970's punk.
10. I realized recently that I didn't have "Never Mind the Bullocks" on cd (I actually only got it on vinyl just a few years ago). I spotted it in a used store in Seattle last week, and here they are on a Random 10 already.
I keep trying to put my Sony Walkman into random mode, but I don't seem to be able to figure it out.
Can some tech-savvy person out there help me? ;^)
I'm LOL!
I am rocking out in my head to your set! Oh, and I still have my bright yellow "Sports" Walkman. Damn, but mine doesn't shuffle either!
I could always tell who the correctional educators were at these seminars. We were the ones doing crossword puzzles and reading newspapers.
jr--I spend most staff meetings writing the words "kill kill kill" over and over in tiny block letters. Then I leave the paper on a chair in a different part of the meeting room.
I had a Sony cd player that had a shuffle setting, which amused me.
I was happy for the advent of the ipod shuffle for one particular reason-- no matter how boldly portable cd players advertised "No skip," they always skip when you run.
I thought of you a lot during the seminar-- we had a lot of "educators of the incarcerated" there. On one of the papers they handed us, it said something to the effect of "whenever they are sudddenly friendly to you, suspect the motive."
If they found out that you'd done that, would they put you on the Group W bench?
"No Feelings" -- I think there's a Banarama version, a weird cover.
I've always liked Dwight Yoakum's cover of Suspicious Minds...
Great list.
That's a strange one.
I do too, but my favorite of his is "Since I Started Drinking Again." One night, years ago, my friend Garrett and I sang it in our favorite watering hole until they threatened to throw us out.
Nice list Johnny Yen.
Just shake the Walkman until you need an iPod SD and TenS.
My mom loves you for #8.
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