Some great news, if you haven't heard: the court has ruled against Roy Pearson in his ridiculous case against Soo and Jin Chung, owners of a cleaners.
I've posted about it previously here and here. Pearson, to the left in the picture, sued the Chungs for $54 million over a pair of pants that he alleged that they lost. They claimed to have the pants, but kept offering to settle the case for increasing amounts, beginning with the replacement value of the pants and finally offering $12,000.
The judge stated in her ruling:
"A reasonable consumer would not interpret 'Satisfaction Guaranteed' to mean that a merchant is required to satisfy a customer's unreasonable demands"
The judge also ordered Pearson to pay the Chungs for their immediate court costs, $1,000, in dealing with his nuisance suit, and is considering a motion to force Pearson to recompensate the Chungs for the tens of thousands of dollars in attorney fees that they spent fighting his suit.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Yeah, this was so stupid it's hard to believe. Glad it turned out this way.
Glad that arsewipe got his comeuppance.
All I can say is Right On! I hope they are compensated for all their costs.
Finally someone with common sense in our judicial system.
As always...
There IS justice!
This guy should be fucking ashamed of himself.
Did you hear the one about Robert Bork suing the Yale Club because he tripped climbing up to the dais?
What they lack in the irony gene they more than make up for in the recombinant hypocrisy strand.
I am happy the judge ruled in favor of the Chungs. Hopefully she will make him pay for their attorney fees too, not just the court costs.
This makes me very happy; it worries me to think what Pearson would award in a case like this...
I once had a dress stolen from a dry cleaner. I went to pick it up (hadn't paid for it yet) and they claimed it was already picked up and showed me some phony signature. I reported the company to the Better Business Bureau. Maybe I should of sued for 54 million dollars but quite frankly, the dress was a gift from my Grandmother and I was happy to get rid of it.
I was thrilled when I read that.
When I saw his picture he was dorkier looking than I imagined him. I guess I imagined he was better looking since his ex-wife had trouble staying out of the sack with him.
What's he hauling around in that big box on wheels, anyway? Maybe he left his stupid pants in there somewhere.
I was watching the BBC coverage of the story last night... Seems that Mr. Pearson is now a pariah in the Legal Community, will probably be brought up on Legal Ethics charges and could lose his current job.
What a PrimaDonna.....
All's well that ends well.
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