I've mentioned in past posts that I've been trying to dig up information on my great-grandfather, who came to the United States from Slovenia in the early 1900's. My wife sent me a link to www.ancestry.com last week; Until June 6, you can look up and download military records. You have to sign up an account, but it's free. The specific link is here for the military records.
I was very pleased-- I was able to find my great-grandfather's draft card from World War I.
By the way, the one I posted is not his-- it's Elvis'.
Have you tired to get a copy of his citizenship papers? The county that he lived in should have those on file,( that's how the papers are filed in NY anyway) I found my husbands family that way. They were from Austria, and the citizeship papers gave me some info I did not have. And have you tired the port of entry for him, NY, Philly, Boston and even Dallas. The local library where he lived may even have him listed in the phone books. I love genealogy. Hope this helps you find some info.
Cool! You've just given me a couple of fun projects if it's a rainy weekend, thanks.
I am 2.5 hours away from my margarita, and this time it won't be from a mix!
That is really cool. I don't know if any of my family was in the military though.
I haven't tried that yet because I don't know what name he entered the country with; he became a Wobbly (a member of the IWW, the International Workers of the World, radical labor union) and started blowing up and burning non-union bakeries. He was indicted, and so went on the lam under an assumed name-- my current family name.
I think I may have found him on www.ellisisland.org, if I've guessed his real name right. Thanks for the suggestion-- I'll try it as soon as I can confirm his name.
Fuckin' A!
It's almost certain, since we've had a draft at various times. You should try it just in case!
I'm not sure anyone in my family was in the military. But It'd be fun to see everyone else's military records. Cool link.
Pretty cool,
I found my grandfather's WW1 & WW2 draftcards, plus my great-great grandfather's civil war records.
Great idea...my parents came here from the Philippines in the 1960s. I should write down their story for the future generations.
Thanks for the link. I'm going to try and find my grandfather's. I think my father would rather like that.
I'll have to show this to my Mother In Law, she'll be interested in researching her father...
Thanks for the link.
Wait JY, your great-grandfather from Slovenia was Elvis?
I believe you are fibbing a bit, this just doesn't add up!
Awesome, Johnny!
Your great-grandfather is Elvis! How friggin' cool is that?!
hee. Elvis.
My brother is interested in all this geneology stuff, so thanks from him...he'll have fun looking up the relatives.
I found a census record for my g.g.g.g..... grandfather. It was very cool. Especially because finding him was a journey. His family left Ireland during the great famine. Both of his parents died on the boat. He and his sister were taken in by another family... family legend says they were basically slave labor on a farm in Southern Illinois.
Geneology is a wonderful hobby. The internet has made it actually practical to pursue!
Lots of Slovenians in Chicago, huh? Isn't there a Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont? I think one of Mr. Ex's former employees was a big deal there - we had a company Christmas party there, I think.
Hey, I just noticed that you claim you are through sleeping on sidewalks. Are you becoming a snob, JY??? :-)
Er, I meant to type 'former employERS'.
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