Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Note to "Fatboy"

Memo to "Fatboy:"
I don't know what it was that possessed you to stick your claw into my sweatjacket, but I guess it's a good thing that I happened to be running out the door to bring Adam to his baseball camp and saw you there-- otherwise who knows how long you would have been stuck there, the same as I did not know how long you'd been stuck there when I found you there.

Just an FYI-- when someone is untangling you from a predicament that your own stupidity got yourself into, it's best not to fight with them. Or give them dirty glares afterward. Remember that I feed you when Kim is out of town.

Johnny Yen


Andi said...

LOL, they can be ungrateful little bastards, yes? But so snuggly.

Cheer34 said...

giggle. I am sure while fighting you, he was letting you know that he really did want to be stuck to your jacket. The glares were to let you know when you leave he is going to get stuck in the jacket just to prove a point.

SkylersDad said...

Fatboy the ungrateful feline.

Just keep singing it over and over again to the theme of Casper the friendly ghost, then try and get it out of your head!

You can thank me later...

Anonymous said...

This is why I'm more of a dog guy, a general sense of gratitude.

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

It sounds like you and I have a similarly complicated relationship with our spouse's cats.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I'm guessing that Fatboy will never be a UN diplomat.

kim said...

The cats in this house are divorce cats. Had I known that I would have gotten another husband and a step-son, I never would have gotten cats.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Fatboy AND Lazyboy, evidently.

bubbles said...

Cats are so funny. I used to be only a dog person because of their attitude, but for some reason I've come to appreciate it. I love to see the binds that my cats get themselves in. For example, Cinders was jumping off the bar and was using the steel flip top garbage can as a step down. When she hit the flip top lid she went right in the can! (Imagine her surprise!!) If Thing 2 had not seen it (which still makes us LOL when we think of it) that cat would ahve been meowing in there for who knows how long! In fact, it's been over 100 degrees for weeks now, she may have baked in there!

Think Cinders was grateful? Right.